Danielle24, your attitude on this post is appalling. People come to this website to give and receive advice, if you choose not to listen thats your perogative - YOU posted for advice but seem to be bitter to those being honest with you. At least accept peoples honest opinion - and these are people who have been there, done that. When the Credit Union take a look at the amount you have borrowed and have outstanding, they may not want to offer you a loan and that is what posters are saying. "But i've never missed a payment" etc. etc. is not going to cut it with the CU now - people are falling into debt that they cant control or get rid of and lenders like the CU are a lot more wary of taking on any large debt.
Yes, pat on the back for getting your debt down to what it is now. Yes, another pat on the back for having the sense to want to improve on your education. But shame on you for your bad attitude about taking criticizm and advice. Humble pie does a lot for a person, seems like you could do with a big bite. I'd recommend going back over this post from start to finish like I did and take a good long look at your responses to people.