Short settlement on halifax and mbna credit cards achieved

They would be lucky to get 60% in all fairness. BOI have not learned at all.
I'm not sure about boi , I'm awaiting a letter from them re my loan account , I'm not sure if they use external collection agents ,these guys will do better deals than boi , when I dealt with Halifax they wouldn't drop below 90% as far as I remember , but when it was passed to their debt collectors i got a great deal , does anybody know if boi sell their bad debts to debt collectors ? I suppose il find out soon enough , I wouldn't settle for 85% .

They use a firm of solicitors as debt collection agents. I don't think the debts are sold on.
There's an interesting link somewhere here to a uk site, i think about bankruptcy. A lot of credit cards in the UK have out of date terms and conditions that won't stand up in a UK court if you are brought to court.
I wonder is there any similarity here in Ireland ?
Forgot to update , settled Tesco visa card
Bal.3450 settled 850
First offer 2750
Finally accepted 850 as I told them Halifax settled for 25% on 12 k and I, told them if I bankrupt myself they will get nothing and I don't realy care anymore " let me know if you want it or not il give it to mbna, she accepted , Triton collection services. Remember they probably bought it for 10% so play hardball and play one against the other ,your credit is ruined at this stage so why pay a premium .
No, sadly the Irish courts take a very moralistic view that you borrowed the money, so you owe it.

Legal wrangling is likely just to irk the judges more.

You're a very good negotiator, maybe you could get a job negotiating for some of the people on here.

I presume the bank offered the 2750 and went down to the 950? Over what time period until they acceted the 850?
Funny you say that Bronte, I'm helping my sister and a close friend to settle their card debts , its more coaching them before / while they do the talking on the phone , its something I don't mind doing to help someone but couldn't see myself looking for a fee , all that previous posts negotiating was done in a 20 min phone call , the lady kept putting me on hold and referring it to a manager , it helped me psychologically that I only had 850 savings to offer.
I owe Halifax approx 11,000. I lost my job a year ago and agreement reached to pay them £5.- every month. Debt was passed to Blair, Oliver & Scott a year ago. I have since got a job. I have twice offered a full and final settlement to Halifax of approx £5K but this was refused and they want £9K. Any suggestions?
Tell them you are going to Australia and this is their last chance to get their money. They won't be long in accepting.