I'm not sure about boi , I'm awaiting a letter from them re my loan account , I'm not sure if they use external collection agents ,these guys will do better deals than boi , when I dealt with Halifax they wouldn't drop below 90% as far as I remember , but when it was passed to their debt collectors i got a great deal , does anybody know if boi sell their bad debts to debt collectors ? I suppose il find out soon enough , I wouldn't settle for 85% .
Forgot to update , settled Tesco visa card
Bal.3450 settled 850
First offer 2750
Finally accepted 850 as I told them Halifax settled for 25% on 12 k and I, told them if I bankrupt myself they will get nothing and I don't realy care anymore " let me know if you want it or not il give it to mbna, she accepted , Triton collection services. Remember they probably bought it for 10% so play hardball and play one against the other ,your credit is ruined at this stage so why pay a premium .