Satisfactory conclusion to my difficulties, I won't need the therapist(for this issue at least). The store doesn't have 1 or 2 cent coins as change but I got rounded up by 4c in change meaning I'm up 3 cents overall and a happy customer
Mind the pennies and the pounds will mind themselves....
That saying has served me well this far in life (granted, I've had to deal with converting to Euros)....
I do not accept for one moment, that the removal of 1 cent coins from circulation, will not result in prices being increased (even if only by 1 cent) and ultimately, all of us having to pay more for the "convenience" of not having to use small coins anymore. Sure, it will only be 1 cent per item, but how many items per day, or dare I say per year and what does that equate to in terms of the cost to each of us ?
Try and stay with me, because this is tricky arithmetic..
Just because we may have a difference of opinion, does not give you reason to be rude or condescending. If the above was an attempt to be funny, you failed miserably.
Even better .... Why not just say to them you don't want the rounding (it is optional) - and if the shop has no 1c or 2c coins in the till then they have to give you 5c change.We could get rich quick !
Incorrect - it is optional for both retailers and customers . Retailers can choose not to partake in it at all and customers can request to opt out of rounding whenever it is applied on a transaction