Sharing office with smokers = horrible smoke smell clings to clothes for ages after.


Registered User
Just a pointless thread, but I need to get it off my chest, and it's great that this is a safe non-judgemental environment
10 people sharing an office space, no windows, just air-conditioning.
2 of them smoke, and it's so unpleasant, smoke smell sticking to their clothes, 1 right beside me where it wafts in my general direction and gets into my nostrils. Very strong now just after lunch... I feel like dousing him in Febreeze or something.
<aaagggggggh, that feels better>
Yes, sorry - they smoke outside obviously, but the smoke smell clings to clothes for ages afterwards.
Get your own back

Start eating a lot of beans on toast or chili for lunch
Only shower at weekends
Develop a liking for very pungent aftershave or perfume

Things like that
Get your own back

Start eating a lot of beans on toast or chili for lunch
Only shower at weekends
Develop a liking for very pungent aftershave or perfume

Things like that
Smoking affects the sense of smell. The OP will have to rely on accosting the other 3 senses. What's the company policy on wearing swimwear around the office?
Smoking affects the sense of smell. The OP will have to rely on accosting the other 3 senses. What's the company policy on wearing swimwear around the office?

I hope you're not suggesting
a) that i should wear swimwear in the office
b) that if i did it would be an accost on anyone's senses??

I must say that even walking behind someone out on the street who is smoking at the time is horrible. Ever stop at the traffic lights behind a car where the driver is smoking, you can still smell it.
Hi there,
If it is a woman smoker, can you discuss perfume with her, and maybe she would spray some on, you could also speak to them about the issue.
Thanks for that - i thought i was just being a crank...
I have a next-door-neighbour who smokes on the doorstep at all hours of the day - i can smell it when lying in bed in the morning, hate it.
Would have grown up in a smoking house and i'm very sensitive to the smell.
pinkyBear, the lady would be very good about hygiene and everything, it's just the 30 - 45 minutes after a cigarette that the smell permeates the office. I'm not sure that perfume would make it better, maybe worse.
Uh, it's so disgusting. Surely the cons far outweigh the pros (if there are any) of smoking when you constantly smell like crap! What drives me mad about smoking in offices is in my workplace for instance there is a "no smoking policy" but it is common knowledge that the little laneway beside the building is where smokers go, I work in a section with 3 other girls, two of whom smoke and take at least two smoke breaks an hour. I don't get to go outside for fresh air breaks why do they get to go outside for damage their health breaks.

The smoking policy in work has been raised many times but unfortunately the two bigwigs in HR smoke so you can imagine what their thoughts on it is.

I know two other women in my job that smoke and they never smell like cigarettes nor do they bring the smell in with them. They both spray this body mist, not deodrant or perfume but some sort of mist which has a very pleasant citrus-y type smell that they spritz on and it completely eliminates the smell. Think it's from either the body shop or it's one of those "sanctuary" products from boots.
Such an uncharitable crowd some of you are. Do you not realise that nicotine is a drug and an easy one to which to get addicted? These people do not want to be smokers. Look at the huge amount of tax every one of them pays on each packet of fags. They have been hounded out in the open from pubs, shops, buses etc. Kind of like the lepers of old!

These people should be cherished and prompted to smoke more. That way we might not have to pay so much taxes and the off-shoot, of course, is that they will die quicker and leave you all in peace. Then what's your gripe?
These people should be cherished and prompted to smoke more. That way we might not have to pay so much taxes...

I'm lovin' the logic....

I propose that all drink driving laws should be repealed and that the legal age to buy fags and booze should be dropped to 12...

On the subject of people stinking up the place after a ciggie... I have to agree with OP. It is poor form.

I would tend to agree with the other comments regarding cigarette breaks too. You shouldn't get more time off for breaks during the day just because you smoke.
Get your own back

Start eating a lot of beans on toast or chili for lunch
Only shower at weekends
Develop a liking for very pungent aftershave or perfume

Things like that

Garlic and loads of it

I complained of the same problem some time ago here.
The smoking policy in work has been raised many times but unfortunately the two bigwigs in HR smoke so you can imagine what their thoughts on it is.

I inherited an office where the manager allowed the staff to smoke in the kitchen despite a ban on smoking, because he smoked. When I tried to implement the no smoking policy you can imagine how I was treated.
You're perfectly entitled to complain to your manager about the conditions you work in and that includes the smell eminating from your colleagues. As a manager, I've had to deal with it a few times, one where someone was using so much perfume she was making people splutter and a couple of times where peoples basic hygeine levels were poor. It's not a nice thing to have to tell someone they smell, but I had to deal with it. If it's affecting your performance, then complain.
There's a man in our place who comes in reeking of smoke, I think it's just ingrained in his clothes. However, he also has a sweat problem and wears nylon shirts....he's quite aromatic by the end of the day and to be honest, I'd rather have the smoke smell than the sweat dried into nylon scent!
Im in a large open plan and it seems the smokers are mixed all around the office so you can get the smell everywhere; in this ultra sensitive world i dont know how you can approach the smoker about the smell without being labled a bully!!!
These people should be cherished and prompted to smoke more. That way we might not have to pay so much taxes and the off-shoot, of course, is that they will die quicker and leave you all in peace. Then what's your gripe?

I once saw a question asked of a scientist ( i think in Focus magazine). Is smoking bad for the environment?

They answered:
Well they are burning organic matter -> CO2 released -> Bad
But the plant was grown for the purpose - Trapping CO2 -> Neutral
But the tabacco had to be packed and shipped -> CO2 Released -> Bad
But then smokers have a lower life expectancy and die younger. Thus they are not around as long using up petrol and heating oil etc etc -> Good
So overall smoking is environmentally friendly cos it kills off smokers!