SFA seeks minimum wage cut

I have said that it is exploitation to reduce the minimum wage but Purple apparently has a problem with my view. Look at the reality of how expensive it is to exist in this country.

Chickens and eggs come to mind...
People are always looking for better wages. Do people ever look for less wages?

IMO the rise in the cost of living didn't start with peoples wages, and it won't be solved by simply reducing them. Theres been excessive profiteering especially (but not soley) by the construction industry. The govt has done little about it. Take the cost of broadband, or mobile phones and call charges. Etc.

Squeezing peoples wages and rising cost living, will hopefully get people double checking the cost of things. If it means taking a trip to NI to save €100 a month or more on shopping, I think people will start to do that, like they do with electronics, cars etc. Just more people need to do it.
Squeezing peoples wages and rising cost living, will hopefully get people double checking the cost of things. If it means taking a trip to NI to save €100 a month or more on shopping, I think people will start to do that, like they do with electronics, cars etc. Just more people need to do it.
This is exactly what will happen.

As far as a 'fair' wage goes - if money grew on trees we could award ourselves all we liked. I am in no doubt that everyone here is feeling the pinch. I know I certainly am, and having worked for companies which moved abroad leaving me redundant twice in the past I am well aware how hard it is to make ends meet when times are hard.

Fact is, we can't pay what we don't have. There is a certain amount of money to go around. I don't think there's a chance of the minimum wage being cut, and I am sure it wouldn't make that much difference to our competitiveness either way. But one thing I am sure of. Wages will not rise to meet the cost of 400k semi-ds. Instead semi-d's will fall to meet wages which will not be going up (or at least not by that much) over the next few years.
.... Wages will not rise to meet the cost of 400k semi-ds. Instead semi-d's will fall to meet wages which will not be going up (or at least not by that much) over the next few years...

Pity the banks weren't told to take that view. Because I think thats been the case for a long time.
I wonder if instead of a minimum wage would a maximum wage cap have a better effect on the economy.
I wonder if instead of a minimum wage would a maximum wage cap have a better effect on the economy.

Both Ireland and the UK tried this in the 1970s (in the form of a tax system with marginal rates of over 60% tax) and it didn't work in either case, actually it pretty much ruined both economies, for the guts of a decade in the case of the UK, for two decades in ours.