Separation and assets

Some thoughts...
  1. Don't move out.
  2. Keep precise records.
  3. You are working to find solutions in a tough situation. Every time you propose a solution write it up, label it "Scenario 1", "Scenario 2" & so on & put it on the record in the form of dated submission of a written proposal to your wife/ her representative/the mediator. Also record the response received for each of the proposed scenarios. This demonstrates thoughful negotiation & diligent persistence in seeking an amicable resolution that you may rely on later. Don't enter BS scenarios & don't be a smart**** in the submission of these scenarios. (I sense that it's not your style in any case but just saying.)
  4. When I place myself in a scenario similar to yours, I am mindful of the example I am setting for the children. How will they perceive Dad's response to the situation now & when they're adults. If I left our family farm to an unfaithful wife & walked away from it or If I sold up the family farm & split the proceeds or any other scenario that you might agree on. What example will Your & Your wife's actions in this divorce set for the children. One walked over the other? One is a Bully/Pushover? Both/One got a fair deal / raw deal? Affairs get rewarded/punished? & so on...
  5. Inheriting the home: If you agree to your Wife taking ownership of the Home, have you considered who will inherit it? What if her partner & his kids move in & it becomes their family home with the associated inherited rights, this is worth considering.
  6. How big is the family home. Is there an opportunity to split the home into 2 independent living spaces or extend it for the same reason? Build a small home on the land.
  7. Have you exhausted every avenue to settle this amicably & stay together? Splitting / Divorcing is messy & expensive & the only winners are the Laywers. I'd take a step back & reconsider any unexplored paths to make it work.
I wish you the best in this.