Selling to county council

Hi All

Super interesting thread, gives me some hope. We have a 2010 built, Apartment in Santry area.

Tenant is coming to the end of notice, served by a lawyer on our behalf. We are fully expecting her to over hold.

We feel tenant may however be open to this scheme.

before we reach out to FCC and the Tenant keen to understand some more from the above. Tenant is extremely is high risk of homelessness if ever is eventually forced to vacate.

thanks All
Really interesting thread. We’ve just served notice with statutory declaration signed by a peace commissioner. Everything gone into SDCC this week and RTB. HAP tenant in situ. They’re on the housing list for 10 years. They were offered 1 house and turned it down hoping to stay where they currently are. It’s a 3 bed for family of 5 in it.

What kind of issues came up during the due diligence phase and what is a fire cert that’s mentioned a few times up thread. Thanks.