Selling privately, advice needed asap!


Having read through your advice and having sold my own property privately i still cannot see any advantage in having an EA on board.

Could you tell me simply what is the biggest benefit of using an EA to sell your house rather than selling it yourself privately ?
I have previously gone through the reasons on this site before -

But v. briefly ; the fact you sold yourselves , means you will never know if you acheived the top price . Also private vendors cannot use , leaving a massive audience untapped , then experience etc etc etc. Private sales may be ok if they run from start to finish perfectly - when they don't, (bad surveys, planning issues etc) MOST vendors / purchasers are so emotional , the deal is likely to fall through unfortunatley.
This case is the perfect reason why people do , and always will need EA's , and why the DIY 'internet' EA's have never ever taken off.

the fact you sold yourselves , means you will never know if you acheived the top price

It's true , you will never know. For example , if a house is worth €350K , the EA earns a comission of €3,500- ( which is a lot of €€€ for an occupation that does not require years of study at University) . If the price can be pushed to €360K , the EA gets an extra €100- . Do you trust your EA to strive for YOUR extra €10,000- ?
If they know what top price is , why are AMV's so wrong ?
I feel I am getting the value for my house (well I didn't get it yet!!) even without the EA. It's a small estate and I know that the current offer on this house is a little more than what some of the houses have gone for in the past 6 months.

Also daft advertise more houses in my area than myhome. There is only one house on myhome that is for sale in my area.

I have decided to go ahead with viewings from this Saturday and have two lined up already. It will be three weeks on Saturday since the current bidders offer was accepted and I will still give them the four weeks to sell their own - the agreed time frame. I know it’s hard and I hate doing it but I can’t be turning away potential buyers in case the current bidders don’t sell.
It's true , you will never know. For example , if a house is worth €350K , the EA earns a comission of €3,500- ( which is a lot of €€€ for an occupation that does not require years of study at University) . If the price can be pushed to €360K , the EA gets an extra €100- . Do you trust your EA to strive for YOUR extra €10,000- ?
If they know what top price is , why are AMV's so wrong ?

Your example highlights the fact that at a certain point the EA ( typically ) is more than happy to take a safe and quick closing option of 350 rather than hang on for a further 100e.
There is pratically no incentive for an EA to really drive a price up 10 or 20k after a point, for what a further 1 or 200 e?.

I think you have a better chance of achieving the max price your self.
After all YOU are making the decision to gamble for a higher offer or stick on the originl offer...

As Murray pointed out access to My Home not withstading. However, I for one would never go house hunting and only look at the one site and Im sure everyone else also looks at both sites also.
Im not sure which has more hits but Daft is more of a household name IMO any way.

I am afraid I still cannot see the point of an EA, in your reply you say :

"you will never know if you acheived the top price" - How do I know I acheived top price if I use an EA ?

"Also private vendors cannot use " - the only reason private investors cannot use is that the EA's would stop advertising with them if they did so.

"Private sales may be ok if they run from start to finish perfectly - when they don't, (bad surveys, planning issues etc) MOST vendors / purchasers are so emotional , the deal is likely to fall through unfortunatley." - How would having an EA on board stop vendors from being emotional ? Sure they can screen out the obvious people who cannot afford to buy etc., but once an offer has been accepted they have no part to play in the convenacy of the property as this is carried out by solicitors.