Selling House - Restrict to Cash or Sale Agreed Buyers?


Registered User
Would just like some advice.

We had our house on the market about 6 months ago, and had 1/2 viewings a week for 10 weeks, but no offers. House has a large extension,and impression was that many of the viewers were gawkers and not interested in buying, or else were fence sitters, who were not interested in buying at that point.

House is a 4 bed semi in castleknock/ carpenterstown d15

A houes has come on market locally, and is attractive and at a knockdown price, and am interested, but we don't "have" to move or buy right now

Is there any logic to asking agent to restrict viewing to persons who are cash buyers or are already sale agreed, (or at least claim to be)to avoid a long drawn out process for 6months. Whilst recognising that this may reduce chances of sale, we don't absolutely not have to move, but would stop a lot of hassle around moving wife and 4 kids out every few days for viewings

Any thoughts??
Mad idea or good strategy?
I would think let the E/A show the house to anyone interested in looking at it, but maybe restrict viewings to days/times that suit you. Dont forget someone might not be in a position to buy today but they might be tomorrow. Selling always involves gawkers and disruption.

If you are depending on selling your own home no E/A will take you seriously on the '' Local House at Knockdown Price'' as you are not realistically in a position to buy it.

You should only consider offers from cash or sold (not sale agreed) purchasers, otherwise you are looking at the drawn out process which in a lot of cases never happens.
Turning away anyone who is willing to go to a viewing these days would be a big mistake IMO
Am I missing something here? You start off complaining about time wasters and fence sitters, and how to prevent it, then you go and do the same to someone else?
Perhaps you need to reevaluate this statement. Anything at a "knock down price" or "priced to sell" when it patently isn't selling after a significant period of time probably needs a reality check.
The house in question seems to have just come on the market.
If you restrict to cash or sale agreed potential purchasers, you're basically saying that you want a really quick deal (because that's what the people viewing will have in their head).

As has been pointed out, this conflicts with the reason why you would restrict viewings to these people, as you aren't particularly pushed.

Seeing since it's not a good idea to limit your market now, why don't you hammer it home to the EA that viewings are by appointment and can only take place once a week for a certain period of time - say Saturdays between 2-4 or something like that.

This way, you know that you won't have to faciliate showings at any other time (unless you want to), and the whole family can pull together to keep the place shipshape for viewings at this time.

Bear in mind that even if only cash buyers or sale agreed people view your house, you're still going to have to absent yourselves and make sure its clean and tidy the same. Plus selling to anyone might take ages for a whole variety of other reasons - some of which might be caused by you but which you don't realise will happen yet.