Hi Lex,
Thanks for the reference Angela!
First thing that stands out is the 2007 valuation, I would say best case scenario is drop by €40k depending on how accurate the valuation was and of course if the destination is very popular it may not suffer as badly as other areas. I would sit tight until after christmas because anyone looking for a holiday home isn't thinking about it now and maybe February would be a good month to go to the market.
I would go with an auctioneer rather than go it alone (I'm an EA) because it will save you money initially and in the long run. Choose an auctioneer that advertises on daft and straight away you have saved yourself the cost of putting it there because the auctioneer shouldn't charge you for this. Also do beat him down to at least 1.5 % and don't forget that doesn't include vat.
If you go to market in February you give yourself 4 months to shift it before the summer holidays and if nothing happens by then you still have the rental to look forward to. It is a difficult choice in the current market whether or not to sell up because if the market comes back within 5 years its actually not a long time to wait if you have the means.