Seem to be in a downward spiral.....


I'm sending this to you from your daughters perspective. My father was nothing but a waste of space when I was growing up - my sisters and I were forced to go see him once a month with a social worker but none of us are in contact anymore. My mother never got a penny from him for us and quite literally dragged us up through poverty to be 4 well educated, smart, presentable and happy women. When I tell you we lived on beans and toast, I mean it. We never knew any different and it never bothered us. There were times we couldnt afford anything, and I still re-call being the only girl in 3rd Class not able to go on the school tour because we couldnt pay the 15 pounds it cost. She wasnt around much when we were young because she worked full time, and in a bar at night (my nana used to mind us and get our homework done). There isnt a day that goes by that I dont thank my stars I have a mother like her - she worked herself to the bone for us and I will be forever grateful. As time has gone by and we have grown up and contributed at home or moved out, things have obviously gotten easier and she finally has things for her.

My mum is the mother of the year every year and will always be the person I look up to - your daughter will think the same. You are keeping her safe, happy and loved and that is really all that matters.
Ailbhe you are an inspiration and clearly don't need anything from your daughter's dad, it seems she's better off without him in her life. But I was reading a few of the posts about tracking him down and wonder if you could just order a copy of his birth cert from a birth registration office? As far as I know, anyone can order someone's birth cert. You could from there possibly even look for other certs like marriage and parents birth certs. While you may not even want to track him down it may be good to have these type of documents in case your daughter is curious at some stage...
Excellent post.
I speak the truth. Ailbhe's daughter has no need for this "father" in her life, especially if he wants nothing to do with her. It can cause more hurt in the long run for her daughter.
hi, i have to admire you and i see a lot of my own situation is parallel to yours..there are a lot of single parents out there struggling to stand still..myself included..keep your chin up and continue with your studies as it is the best way out of poverty and you are still are a great role model for your daughter and it will pay off in the end..