security tag left on but manager refuses refund.need advice!

When I discovered the tag on my trousers that I purchased from Dunnes, I thought no problem, I will go to my local branch and they can remove it. They didn't even do tags in that branch so didn't have the machine. They sent me to a local sports shop in case they could do it for me but their tagging system was different so they couldn't help me, and I didn't have time to return to the original store.

When I went back to original shop I said to the girl that the alarm never went off when I left she said that a lot of items that are on rails near the entrance have fake tags on them so they don't keep setting the alarms off. I have heard this before about other shops so the op probably got one of those.

Irishmoss, I know you say how did she not notice the tag when trying on the dress as its very heavy - but she would have know the tag was on then as she hadn't purchased it yet. She didn't expect to still have the tag on the dress after getting home!

Sometimes they are the ones with dye in them so no use even trying DIY removal.
Thanks again Sandals,
Following your advice, i looked up their website and contacted customer service at headquarters. They have already stated that the way in which I was treated was totally unacceptable and he is going to contact the manager and phone me back today with an offer of resolution. I'll keep you posted!!

Delighted, personally am a bit shocked at what other people have said about this situation,

i know I spend ages shopping for an outfit as required and to think the shop left a security tag on is unacceptable no matter what the shop is, I would consider this shop to be of the higher end.

I purchased a €300 approx dress for a New Eve do which I knew Id only wear the once, did I tell the salesperson that (wud they care?), no, so why would it make any difference if one plans to wear the dress 10 times, can't see the logical in that, its not like my husband's suits, shirts or ties even.....
Another thing that you need to be careful about with those tags is that they can leave holes in garments. I bought a very light material top some time ago and when I got it home the tag was still on it. I returned to the shop and when they attempted to take the tag off it left a hole in the material. Thye issued a refund immediately.

If the person applying the tag does not fit it in the right place it can cause this problem. So if you are buying something make sure that no hole is left where they have removed the tag. Best to do so at time of purchase if you think of it.
No what I meant was how did she not know the tag was there when she put the dress on in the hotel and for the dress to be soiled sufficiently to be refused a refund.

If you try on a dress in a store it is only on for a few minutes so generally it doesn't get soiled. This dress was either worn for a period of time to warrant the staining or she sprayed deodorant on her with the dress on.

I think personally she did ok getting the part refund as she made mistakes too

Irishmoss, I know you say how did she not notice the tag when trying on the dress as its very heavy - but she would have know the tag was on then as she hadn't purchased it yet. She didn't expect to still have the tag on the dress after getting home!

Sometimes they are the ones with dye in them so no use even trying DIY removal.
Put the tag in the freezer and hit it with a large hammer. That will get it off.
Well I contacted customer services. They ut me in contact with the store's deputy manager. He phoned me and I told him my case. He said that it was unacceptable and said that he would talk to the manager. He phoned me back to say that he has spoken to hm but that the Manager wouldn't back down. He said that he was sorry and gave me the manager's name and suggested that I contact head office. Not sure whether I should. The thing that really annoys me is that the manager was so rude and never once apologised. I still feel I was very badly treated and that i should say something as this is happening way too often. Also, what is the ctiteria for becoming a manager these days? Do the ads say " Really arrogant person needed"?!
I bought a suit in Arnotts recently to wear to a work event the next day. I had tried it on, and liked it (it was one I had seen at full price and was pleased to get at €300). I was on the bus into town to go to the event and someone mentioned it to me that the tag was still on. I was mortified. It was a heavy material and right at the back of the skirt, so I couldn't feel it.

The event started at 10am, which is the time Arnotts open. I had asked the girl for her opinion on the suit the day before so she did recognise me, but she said she needed the receipt (which I had left at home). I could have dialled up my account that showed what I had paid. I asked how she expected I was supposed to go to a work event wearing a tag. She asked had I any other clothes with me. At this stage I was livid - and late! Eventually and with bad grace, they removed the tag.

No apology. I have bought - i worked out - the majority of 6k worth of clothes from Planet over the last few years per annum. I wrote to Arnotts and Planet. No reply. No apology.

I haven't bought anything there since.

Just to add for debenhams, I bought a pair of shoes in Faith and the heel broke once, when I returned them and got a new pair the same thing happened. I wrote to Debenhams and got sterling vouchers for 15 sterling. Went into replace the shoes and was looked at incredulously. I actually went and bought a 5 euro pair of shoes in penneys...
I had the tag left on a dress I bought in Promod in Liffey Valley recently. When I rang them and asked if there was anywhere more local I could go to get it removed they immediately gave me the names of a couple of other shops owned by the same company in Tallaght and Dundrum. The manager gave me her name to use so they would know I was genuine and also said to ask for her the next time I was in and I would get a discount. I hadn't bought the dress for a special occasion or anything but still got a very prompt polite and helpful response.
When I discovered the tag on my trousers that I purchased from Dunnes, I thought no problem, I will go to my local branch and they can remove it. They didn't even do tags in that branch so didn't have the machine. They sent me to a local sports shop in case they could do it for me but their tagging system was different so they couldn't help me, and I didn't have time to return to the original store.

Yes, this was an inredible oversight. Aside from your issue, it also affects refunds- items are taken back to a different store, then that store has to send them to a store that can take the different tag off and sell it there. The black circular tags with dye in them are used by less important stores- your average Dunnes. Massive Dunnes and flagship Dunnes use the newer ones, the white thin ones. Cornelscourt, Blanch, Liffey Valley, Stephen's Green, Henry Street all stores along those lines. So it doesn't have to be removed by the original store per se. Black tags are removed by a strong magnet attached to the underside of the till, or loose. White tags are complicated to re move, and the system is built into the counter. So white-tag stores can remove black tags as they usually would have the magnet thing lying around, but vice versa does not work.

The white tags were introduced as they're impossible to remove by hand, whereas the black ones an be done.

All tags are aimed to be at a seam so the pinprick left is not noticeable. They are quite diffiult to aim though in some garments. There is no other way though of applying a tag to clothes.

'Fake' tags do not exist, in Dunnes anyway. The black tags and white tags are not deactivated at the till, they are seperated and reused constantly for new clothes coming in. Once joined, they work and set off alarms. The problem which they may not have wanted to draw your attention to- is that plenty of Dunnes do not actually have security barriers. So they serve mainly as deterrents. The sticker tag with the barcode that you see on CD's and makeup is the only one that could be 'fake' as it isn't taken off, just deactivated.

Some stores have a sensor built into the counter so if you miss a tag, when you're placing the customer's bag on the counter it beeps! Stores should really think about that one. Particularly if the store has no actual barriers.

Out of thousands of transactions, people are going to miss a tag eventually, particularly if exhausted, or run off their feet. Cashiers are only human and what's quite common is having two tags on the one thing by accident so when one is taken off, nobody goes looking for more. Just like it's easy to miss asking 1 out of hundreds of people for their clubcard. However, staff initially should be trained better, I totally agree. Some have only a vague idea when new about taking sales at all, never mind tags. Also no excuse for not taking a tag off when presented with the receipt- that is the height of bad customer service.
+1. Agree that shops should have a facility to check for tags before handing over the paid-for goods. My local Heatons has one at the counter area and the staff just have to wave the bag in front of it before handing over to the customer.