SDCC - property path update

I am still waiting on my letter from property path so I can not proceed any further with anything really. I was talking to the solictor on Friday and I explained that and I asked her about the management fee again. She said she would look into it but I am not feeling very hopeful. I emailed Lorraine about the management fees as well as she never returns my calls and no reply on that either.
Have you any news?

i did not hear from anybody so i will get back on the case now, i went up to see the apartments that were for sale and big suprise they were not open (there is somebody living in the apartments though)

i will ring again and get back to you

ps turns out shopping for furniture, not as much fun as i thought it would be
Hi Jinnyjojo

Just got back onto Lorraine (i think she is hiding from me at this stage) and left a voice mail i also got back onto the solicitors, she asked me was a still going to go ahead with it even if the fees were the high figure..i said i wanted it clarified

anyway Jackie in J burke has gotten onto the builders solicitors on friday to check it out and they have not gotten back on so she is going to ring Lorrainne in the auctionners and get her the fax over the original list.

i will let you know of any updates

I think it's mad that they are forcing a quick sale on us and yet they won't answer our questions. I am beginning to have second thoughts about the whole thing. The mangement fee is really putting me off.
Re- furniture. I bought a bed and that's all!
I feel under pressure too, i really like the apartment though, i have to say when i originally saw the management fee was 1800 it totally put me off but then i read a few boards and felt better but i feel like they are pulling a fast one with an increase of 450

i did say that i was not going to sign anything until i get this sorted, but the girl in the solicitors said that if we had to courier the contracts over on friday it would cost me more money (courier fees ect) and also my loan offer is not back yet, they seem to be wanting the sales really rushed through

i dont know what the rush is if all the apartments are not sold yet,

but it does seem like there are people living in the apartment at the front with the huge balconys

i take it you have not heard from the solicitors or lorraine. i think i am going to ring every day to see what the story is (and i thought it was solicitors job to sort this out??)
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I think i might say that to the solicitors tomorrow (or later depending if i ring them back cause I am annoyed) that why sould we rush the sale if they are not answering the questions

Rang Lorraine again the receptionist said she would ring me back (i think she is officially hiding on me)

I will try again at 5 and if no joy i will send an e mail
I thought it was the job of the soliciter to sort everything out as well.
I am not signing anything until I have answers on the management fees even if it means walking away. It's the biggest financial decision we are ever going to make and we have had no decent answers to our questions.
Another thing I am not happy about is the clawback. I finally got my letter yesterday and they have the market value at €280,000. The smaller apts are also valued at €280,000 which doesn't make sense. I know someone who is a valuer and he reckons mine is worth between €236,000 and €250,000. I think my clawback needs to be reduced but I suppose I have to wait and see what the Bank value it at. I am nowhere near sorting my loan offer either!!
Lorraine has not replied to my email either.
Hi Jinnyjojo

i got a call back from the solicitors who said they were in touch with the builders solicitors and that the fee the solicitors gave me is correct and that the 1800 is last years fee, i am having a bit of a family emergency at the moment so i told her i would not be able to sign on friday or even think about the management fees until later

and if it went up 450 from last year what is it going to go up to next year????

the management fees are making this whole thing a lot more unaffordable
Hi jinnyjojo i think you are right not too sign anything i am buying in broadfeild hall and PP have them valued at 361,000 and my bank valued them at 340,000 i will be sorthing the clawback out. i think the management fees are a rip off too at 2,049
I agree Action mags. The Managment Fees really put a dampner on things alright and the fact that they may go up year by year is a scary thiought.

I think something like 500 euro per year should be the max to pay to Management Companies. At this stage, I will be saving half the year for Managment Fees. It doesnt' make sense at all.

Good Luck though, and I hope you sort things out. Buying a home is a stressful enough time without added stress and things to worry about.
Sorry to hear about the family emergency actionmags.
I think that is very unprofessional that we received last years fee. I think there needs to be a clause in the contract that states that the fees can't keep going up by more than a certain percentage each year. Also I am definately going to ask for a further breakdown on what the money actually goes on.
have not asked them yet but have talked too my solicitor who is a good friend and will renegotiate claw back. i think i will also pay for my own valuation see if its cheaper than the banks it might be worth it. dont be bullyed into anything jinnyjojo
have not asked them yet but have talked too my solicitor who is a good friend and will renegotiate claw back. i think i will also pay for my own valuation see if its cheaper than the banks it might be worth it. dont be bullyed into anything jinnyjojo

Andy, I would be interested to hear how you get on in renegotiating the claw back. I have a friend who is a Solicitor as well..never thought of asking them to do anything re clawback. Might be an idea though... My clawback in 55%..I think its really steep. I got a valuation done by my Surveyor..didn't see what it was as it went straight to the bank..getting my loan offer in next few days..its in the maybe the valuation will be included in that.

Ps. Are you in Broadfield Hall or City West Plaza?

Tell me about it, I got really stressed out on Sunday trying to find the right bed !! and Furniture suite shopping is just as bad.
I am in Broadfeild hall .the bank should send it too you and your solicitor.
I think Broadfeild hall is in a great location we have every thing around us and apartments are really good finish