Welcome Ali, It really is a wonderful place to get info. Ruthie, deedav and a few others have been extremely helpful with their postings.Hi All,
I'm a newbe to this but just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone for all the info ye posted.
Wonderful complex so far. I love my new place to. Its almost fun even cleaning it....Almost.I have moved into Broadfield Hall about 8wks ago & I love my new apt!!!
I met someone from the thread yesterday. A forum stalker she is.. (you know who you are!). She informed me that she has SkyConway basic/cheapest package and once she has them in, she could get the real Sky into the place with a proper package. Its a shame its needed but i was unaware of this option so I was glad to hear of it and happier knowing I can at least get Sky in...albeit with a higher charge.now I need to try get my tv & internet sorted so I don't have to keep dropping back to mam's - was hoping I wouldn't have to use skyconway as there is alot of negative feedback but hey looks like I don't have a choice for the moment!!!!