SDCC - property path update

Hey, I must check out. I still have problems with the reception with SKYCONWAY. I have had engineers out a few times now, but its still pretty bad.
Got my keys today

Will be moving in during the next 2 weeks. So hopefully i'll see some of you around.

Did some shopping at Des Kelly today. 340 for carpet for bedroom + hall, 14'*13' carpet costs 340. which can be used for bedroom, and the left overs for the hall(assuming you dont mind a join)
640euro for wooden floors for the living room, using these measurements +1 box he said gives enough for the utility room but i didnt like how much he was guessing the numbers. Total of 1040euro for living+utility room floored and bed+hall carpet.
I pushed the guy for a little off, just to make it a bit of a deal for myself. Refused to budge. We argued for a bit over it and i even reminded him im buying a sofa and still nothing. So i left. I was quite surprised someone would allow 1,000 to leave thier shop so easily these days.

I measured up the rooms. Attached diagram below. Its one of the 127k apts. Should be useful for some people. Rooms are not to scale etc but numbers and measurement points are exact.

Hi There,
Congrats, I wish I was there already!
Thanks for putting the plan on the site, that is SOO helpful.
I am still waiting for the bank..
Please can you give me the size of the 2 windows? Have you got curtains?
What are you doing re the internet/TV??
Thanks, MarleneM
Hi There,
I will be (hopefully) no 68.. Did snagglist last Thursday
Have been inside etc etc, but cannot do more till mortgage approved..
Thanks for your help.


Thanks, ah ye i was in the same boat. Its killer waiting i know but well worth the wait.
No idea what size the windows are. I love the place but decorating is a fairly big timehog so i'll be quite slow to get it done.
Curtains? They'll be a fair bit off for me. All I have is a sofa, a tv and a kettle. None are moved in yet and I'm actually going to be borrowing the kettle from my mammy

My little brother will be accepting delivery of my cosy red sofa tomorrow at the apt. He will be there all day.I'll be in there in the evening admiring my new sofa so i'll measure the windows then.

note: I think there is only room for a slimline dishwasher. The dishwasher area seemed quite skinny in comparison to the washer/cooker area.

Best of luck with the Mortgage approval. I expect it should go well given how little we're requiring of them V a private market property.
Hi There,
Yes, it is a slimline d/washer, which I will not get, I will put extra shelves instead or the rubbish bin. D/washer for one person is a waste of electricity for me.
Congrats on the red sofa.. we will all get there, eventually!
Thanks for you reply.
My partner measured the window and I wrote it down as 244 x 244
I am now doubting myself, hence the request.
I will only get in there again once the snags has been done and we must check them.
Talk again soon.

Regards, MarleneM
hey all - just to update - I got my section 23 relief added to my tax credits - works out at €1569.47 per year - a bit dissapointed thought it would be more but after todays budget am very happy to have it! hope you all get yours soon.
Hi Deedav, That is so cool!!! Great news that it actually exist.
Silly Question: Is this different to mortgage relief, or is it the same thing?
If NOT, what is the mortgage relief?
Are you in a one or 2 bed apartment?
Thanks for your reply.
Regards, Marlene
Measurements for the curtain area yesterday as i was up making sure my heating system works. Hot water gets generated pretty fast. Took about 15 mins for hot enough to wash dishes in.

width = left to right
length = top to bottom

Windows in living room is 214cm width by 230cm length
Balcony door in living room is 129 width by 231cm length
Window in bedroom is 244cm width by 229cm length

--- I couldnt find the resident car park yesterday when i finally got a chance to look around. I talked to the security gaurd and he said
"if you were told its in the SDCC parking, then its there. If not, then just park anywhere you want near your elevator. There is 24 hour security keeping an eye on things"
.I found my official parking spot on floor -3, however the entire floor was complete devoid of all cars/bikes so is anyone here using that floor or is everyone just parking on -2 along with public parking?
Hi There,

This is brilliant!! Thanks so much for doing that for me.
Declan from PP has showed me the parking sport, he knew exactly where it was, so I suggest you ask him. He is VERY helpful and very prompt with responses.
Hot water a little slow then.. Hopefully that will improve!!
I am hopefully moving into no 68, are you on the same floor?
How long after the bank approved your loan did you move in?
Thanks for your help again.

My Bank approved my loan ages before i even did a snag list so its different than yours. So months&months is the answer to that(approval in jan). However. After my snag list was signed off(end feb). We began the 'closing' sequence. Signed off on my snag. Solictor then sent my signed forms off to council. Informed FA of closing date. They began the process of closing which involved me+sol being required to send in LOTS of documents to them. Each one sequentially requested just to really test my desire. Then the council signed. FA issued funds. and we closed.
Time from Snag list signed off to getting the keys in my hands were 4-5 weeks.
With 1.5 weeks being completely wasted due to FA delaying fund release for no reason.
I'm 58, floor 2, block 4. No idea if your on same floor.

Just got my red sofa delivered ...

I own my own sofa

Yvie here. I have a car park space and I don't drive. Was thinking of renting it out but not sure as to how to go about it. I can have a chat to youi about it if you are interested in renting my space.


Thanks for the info. It will be a trying business I am sure... however.. we will persevere.
Loan was apparently approved today.
I am delighted you had a red sofa... enjoy

hey all if you push your solicitor and council they should be able to close earlier than that. I signed off on my snag list on a monday and had my keys on the Wed. They told me it would be 2 - 3 weeks after the snag before I got my keys but I plain refused to wait that long. I had lost all patience with them at that stage.

Marlene - the section 23 relief is extra to the mortgage interest relief. Mortgage relief is granted at source so your repayments will be lower than quoted by the bank - you can apply for this online with the revenue - you will need the account number of your mortgage and your RSI number. It will say to wait until your first repayment goes through but dont - apply when you your mortgage is drawn down as i takes a while t go through.
Section 23 is an extra relief we get for buying these apartments as they fell under some urban renewal scheme. You will get the documents when you close from your solicitor - go to tax office and submit them when you get them as it took 6 weeks for mine to come through. It will be given to you as extra tax credits against your wages.

I'm in a 2 bed and my mortgage interest relief works out at about 140 per month - which is great. I think its based on the amount of interest you pay on your mortgage - not too sure how it works but if you ask your lender they should be able to tell you exactly how much you will get. there is also a good calculator on to give you a guideline.
Thanks for all that info, MOST useful.
I will follow the steps and hopefully it will go smoothly as well for me.
My financial man phoned today and said he is waiting for the papers from the bank. mortgage is approved... sigh of relief!!
Talk again soon.
Firstly WOW,

Hello everybody, I can't believe I found this priceless forum, I really wish the council had of told me about it.

I am moving into Broafield Hall soon, hopefully in the next few weeks.

I decided just to do some googling on Broadfield Hall and found this forum, which I have been reading for the past several hours.

Anyway I have a few questions and hopefully some of you can answer them.

I have signed off on my snag list and have loan approval but the property still needs to be valued by my bank, what feedback have any of you got after having a valuation done? Have you had you price or clawback reduced as a result of a valuation?

Parking, it says I am entitled to a car park space, but I also own a motorbike and bicycle, is there a separate area for these?

Broadband, I run a home business and rely on high speed broadband, I am currently with NTL on the Broadband Ultra price plan which gives me 20MB speed, however NTL have said they currently don't supply broadband to my new address, have any of you guys currently living there taken out a broadband package, and if so with whom and what speeds and how are you finding the service?

Lastly, well 3 questions in one, as a single guy im useless at this sort of stuff but where would you recommend I go for flooring/carpet? I am purchasing a 2 bed, so if any of you could give me an estimate on price that would be great, and also kitchen appliances.

And how would I go about getting the locks changed? Or is this something I could do myself?

Lastly I promise, have any of you had any issues with delivery men refusing to carry your newly purchased goods up stairs or in elevators.

Hope this isn't too much to ask, really looking forward to moving in now and hopefully meeting some of my neighbours.
congrats marlene on gettin approval!

Hi logic - congrats on new purchase. We did get the clawback reduced by the council way back before christmas but that was because the valuations were very high at the time. They were based on last years prices. As far I as know my bank didnt come out to value - they just phoned the council and got their valuation details from them but I supposse that depends on what bank you go with - mine was EBS.

I also have a 2 bed and I got all my floors in Bargaintown - it was 2 grand for the lot. I carpeted the hall and bedrooms and floored the sitting / kitchen. Found them to be good and quick. Got half my appliances in Currys and half in Powercity. Would not reccommend Curry's had an awful time with them. Powercity would highly reccommend, delivered next day - no fuss and they bought them straight into my apt - which is on the fifth floor without any complaints. Some of them will moan about getting the stuff in but thats what you pay for in delivery charges.

A friend of mine put a lock on my door for me - it cost 30 euro in b&q and seemed easy to fit for him. I'm useless at that stuff.

I got my internet with my tv package. Sky conway is the only cmpany allowed for tv in the building at the moment and you can then get sky through them. The basic internet with them is slow enough but seeing as its free and I dont use it that much I dont mind. I got eircom into do my phone line so maybe you could get internet with them??

Lastly for the parking - I have seen bicycle racks in the car park, dont know about the motorbike but surely you wouldnt need a whole space for a motorbike. The spaces are quite small - it can bit a tight fit though

anyway hope that helps you out - if you need any more i'd be happy to help as I found my move the most stressfull thing I ever did and any help I received from this forum was invaluable.

Firstly WOW,
Hello everybody

Welcome Logic. It's so far been a very friendly and helpful community both on and off the boards.
I have signed off on my snag list and have loan approval but the property still needs to be valued by my bank, what feedback have any of you got after having a valuation done? Have you had you price or clawback reduced as a result of a valuation?
Back in December/Start of jan. A revaluation of the apartments was carried out by the council and I think all or Most were assesed with a lower market value. The claw was reduced on par with this. My market value was dropped by 8% and so was my clawback. From 43% to 35%.
Parking, it says I am entitled to a car park space, but I also own a motorbike and bicycle, is there a separate area for these?
Parking spaces are on level -3. There is definitely a cycle bike rack available down there as i've seen it. Im not sure about motor cycles. However. There is plenty of space which is non parking down there. Both times i've been on -3, it was practically deserted so parking doesn't seem like an issue for the next while. The security guard suggested to me to park on Level -2 along with all the shoppers etc. Basically he told me to park anywhere i want. So i think you could throw your bike/car into one of these spots. Or even mention to the security that you wanna park your bike in a free bit of space that isnt a parking spot.
The only people that can supply broadband are SkyConway and any other 'wireless' providers. I've talked to three people in the building and they are unhappy with the speeds/consistency/ping rates. I think for email/websites/etc it should be fine but not for anything that requires a high response time for signaling such as torrents/games etc. I dont know about the actual throughput rates per second as i've yet to see them. I can give you the details of someone who has it installed in thier apartment if you want.

I kept track of prices for buying my place for a friend who is also buying shortly. Ill just paste it here as I think it may be useful.
List of expenses for new place

Total cost of house for me to buy = 127,800. Market value set at 197k. 35% discount and therefore 35% clawback set also.

A) To buy place
Solictor fees in total=1,854
Deposit for house=3,836 (3%)
Snag list=480
Affordable housing application=50
Management fees=500 (1.5Kish per year)
Total= €6,770

B) Monthly payments after buying

Mortgage over 25 years for €127k = €740ish monthly payments, This is before mortgage relief. I expect this to drop to 650ish with relief.

Alot of AH places qualify for owner occupier relief too(similar to section 23 relief).
This basically puts about 1.5k extra tax free credits into my pay slip each year, this results in an extra 110+ euro(approx) in my pay each month.
Total = €650pm

C) Furnishings
To be fitted, floors will cost 1040 from Des Kelly. (wooden floors for living room + Utility room, carpet for bedroom + hall, tiles in bathroom already provided by builders). This does not include kitchen tiles.
Last nite I decided to install the wooden floors in my living room,hall and utility room myself. I've never done it but it doesnt seem that hard from what i've been reading. I priced the materials I need as flooring,underlay,vapour barrier, spacers and pull bar at 360 in HomeBase. Ill be shopping around tonight again for them at bargainTown just to compare. It seems 50% of the price given by fitting flooring is for the labour so its a nice save if DIY.
Sofa = 550.
Bed = 550.
TV Stand = 80-400
WashingMachine/dryer= 500
Dishwasher= 450
Oven + Hob= 550
Tall Fridge= 450
Basic Cultery=50
Coffee table=150

D) Mental anguish
Months of delay = time i'll never get back

took 4.5 months from "I'll take it + you can have it" to actually get it

Logic, If i remember correctly, a 2 bed costs 170k+ on paper. Obviously you will need slightly more deposit(3%?) and your solicitor fees might be slightly higher if they think you have more money to spend!

And how would I go about getting the locks changed? Or is this something I could do myself?
I know nothing at all about this. Is this something that is recommended? I don't want my sofa being stolen

Lastly I promise, have any of you had any issues with delivery men refusing to carry your newly purchased goods up stairs or in elevators.
I haven't heard/read or experienced this at all. Des Kelly delivered a sofa to me yesterday. In through Block 3, elevator to floor 2, through courtyard and into apartment. No complaints.

I'm in work, hence the long post

Welcome to complex!
Thanks theTinker and deedav for your replies.

Here are some details on my 2 bed apartment in Broadfield Hall:

Market Value: €287,500
Purchase Price: €173,812

Clawback: 39.54%
Service Charges: €2024.80

Do these sound right to you?

Solicitor Fees are €1,600
Valuation is €150
Snagging cost €250

I said I'd take the apartment in the first week of February, after being on the affordable housing waiting list for a year and 4 months.

I am now waiting over 2 months to move in and it looks like it will be a few more weeks before I get the keys.

Regarding Kitchen Appliances, when your purchase them and they deliver them, do they fit them for you? Or do you have to do that yourself or get someone to fit them for you. I wouldn't have a clue how to install a washing machine or dishwasher.

Regarding Broadband, that's a bit disappointing, I don't watch TV so therefor have no need for SKY, I also have no need for a house phone, trying to keep the bills as low as I can.

I assume our contacts forbid us from installing dishes?
I only say this as satellite broadband would be good for anyone interested in High Speed PC, Playstation or Xbox online gaming as well as streaming HD movies. The dish itself is quite small, a bit larger than a standard dinner plate and could be fixed to the balcony.
Ye no dishes allowed which tbh, im ok with, i've seen entire blocks made to look like slums because of stuff hanging off balconies. however, if u get one and put it on ur balcony floor and its the same colorish. I dont see how anyone would even notice!

especially if u are up high.

When the management company takes over. We can get them to get another provider in such as NTL or SkyHomes etc. At least i think thats feasible.

Logic, your numbers seem normal to me. Your solicitor fees seem right, snagging is cheap, wish i had that guy. I hated paying 480 euro for mine.I didnt get my valued as the council just did a fresh one for us all when i was getting mine.

Most places will not install the stuff for you. they deliver only. That requires an electrician for cooker and a plumber for washing machine/dishwasher. Ill get mine in soon. If either turns out to be at thier job. Ill pass there details onto you with thier prices too.
Heck ill try the washing machine myself. As far as i know from my old place. Its just 2 rubber pipes into the back of it and they have twisty knobs that just turn to attach. If its that easy, ill help ya out.

ps: Who ever left that trolley lying around on block 3 floor 2..THANK YOU! It made moving all my flooring in sooo much easier. I put it back so others can use it the same.