SDCC - property path update

hi all... just posting to say that i got a call from my lending institution saying that if they havent been notified of cheque issue before the 16th Dec, there is a snowballs hope in hell of getting it before the new year.

has anyone gotten any further with Property Path ???
Hi all

Ruthie, I was talking to the girl in the Council today. She couldn't give me a time that we would be in for, but said it doesn't look like we will be in for Christmas. Also said that there are apartments still not sold in Broadfield Hall and that they will keep offering them to people approved and on the list.

Im disappointed we are not going to be in for Christmas when we were given that time of year to be in by, by the Council.

The girl in council also said that there may be a reducation in claw back and if this was the case, we would get a letter in the post.

That's all the news I have. It's not a lot; ye probably know all this already.
The council close on the 19 and reopen on the 6th i think and then u got the buliders holidays so it could easy be febuary b4 we get anywere with these idots in pp
I dropped my deposit down yesterday, the girl said that they were doing revaluations on the places and would let me know when they are done. Guess im in the waiting queue with you all now.

I was wondering how far everyone is along with things. Has everyone just giving deposit, or have most of you signed yet?

There were 5 apartments to sell on Friday, I know the 2 bed and my 1 bed was sold so there is at max 3 places left to sell
I can only speak for myself, but I think its the same for everyone ...I have only paid the booking deposit and have arranged got a loan offer from a bank but it hasn't gone any further than that. Will just have to wait.
The council close on the 19 and reopen on the 6th i think and then u got the buliders holidays so it could easy be febuary b4 we get anywere with these idots in pp

It looks that way. You just have to take it as it comes with PP. I think the builders are drawing work out because there is no work out there for them.
Hi, Property Path have said their re-evaluations were done for Broadfield Hall today (24-11-08) and we should all have letters confirming new details by the end of the week.
Hey Guys,

I rang up PP today to check on the revaluations, I'm still trying to get mortgage approval and the banks are hating that i can't give them a direct value of the place.
They said they were sending my certificate of lending with the value confirmation to me today. I shall have it within a couple of days.

Ill let you know what a 1 bed re-valuation comes in at.
Hi All

would anyone have the height of windows in apartment complex need to know cos getting price for some curtains. cheers
Hi Ruthie, Didnt get much else out of them. They still cant give any date on the snags being fixed either. I did my snag back in August, did u?
havent a clue about the height andy sorry.... havent even thought about curtains, blinds will only be up for a long time for me before i go down that route. susie.q i havent heard a dickie bird as of yet, also sent my snag end of august start of sept as far as i can remember...tho there still is a chance that we might get keys before xmas if they get the solr into action.. once snags are done and contracts have been issued we can start to look at a date for drawdown of loan funds.. if i get my request into the bank before 16th Dec ill have funds guaranteed before xmas.
Hi all got valuation letter this morning, im happy enough. My independent valuation came in at 275k and the new one is now 285k.. im happy that its dropped and not gonna argue about the 10k difference.
Hi Ruthie
have they given you a new clawback and if so what is it please. great news buy the way
hi ruthie-81 thats great! Great that your happy with it. Do you mind me asking what the original valuation was?
My solicitor just rang to say that they are concentrating on block 1 at the moment but she thinks they meant the whole of braodfield hall! Hopefully! Is your apartment in Block 1? Mine is in Block 2 so hopefully I'm included in it.

Also do you have to get a new confirmation of loan from your lender - the solicitor was saying that we might have to and that it might cause some problems for some people with the way the banks are going. But she did say that apart from that things seem to be moving along and that it could be possilble if the council get their act together that we will have contracts signed by christmas.

looking forward to see how everyone else gets on!
Original clawback was over 51% and its now 39%... apt valued at a little under 360k and now valued at 285k. got the new confirmation for lender so i have to send that into the bank. dunno what the story is with snags tho and if contracts are ready to be sent to our own solrs yet. at least thats some good news tho!
Hey Guys,

I got a call from PP about 20 mins ago. They specifically wanted to know when i could come in to collect my "letter of clawback" next week. I dont know if the next week part means blocks are done at different times or not? I'm in block 2. Ill let ye all know what it comes back in at
great - thanks ruthie-81.

i meant to ask you - did you sign the original clawback agreement - I did and now I'm wondering will I be tied to it.
hey all, got my letter this morning - my clawback has been reduced from 48% to 31.3% so I'm delighted with that. They reduced the valuation to €300000. Not too bad as mine came in at €280000.

Thanks guys for all the pressure put on property path by everyone - it really does prove there is power in numbers!