You ask if a balance sheet has any value. Yes of course it has but not if its completely out of date which they invariably are.
If you decide to download the balance sheet of a new trading partner from the CRO, you might be very lucky with your timing to get a balance sheet just 10 months old but on average the "latest" balance sheet available will be 18 - 20 months. It helps but working with such old information is of limited value. In the current climate anything could have happened to that company in the intervening period.
You ask if a balance sheet has any value. Yes of course it has but not if its completely out of date which they invariably are.
If you decide to download the balance sheet of a new trading partner from the CRO, you might be very lucky with your timing to get a balance sheet just 10 months old but on average the "latest" balance sheet available will be 18 - 20 months. It helps but working with such old information is of limited value. In the current climate anything could have happened to that company in the intervening period.