the taliban were not a sovereign government, it wasn't a sovereign trade deal like you would do with the EU so Biden was not bound by this deal, Trump had no problem ripping up agreements made by his predeccessor and Biden ripped up most of Trumps presidential orders. It is the execution of the withdrawal and the order of events that are key to how this went wrong and these were all decisions made by Biden. The closure of Bagram airbase in July by Biden looks critical now. Biden could very easily have told the Taliban we are keeping this , if you dont like it tough, the Taliban didnt have an airforce anyway so a very low risk option for the US.very hard for a negotiating team to negotiate terms with the taliban (we do this if you do that) when trump already showed his hand and told /tweeted he was gone by a certain date whatever happened
we will never know how Trump would have handled this, he couldn't have done any worse than Biden though