Sacked ministers to get €53,000 'parachute' pay

Absolutely agree with this. And as for John McGuinness loudly proclaiming to the media that he's dividing his payment up between the four staff who will lose their job because of his demotion, he omitted to mention that one of these is his own son.
All these posts/jobs were a con and a fob to keep the peace. How a group of people elected by the people can go on and screw the people who a)elected them in good faith , b) pay their wages, beggars belief.

That ad about insurance fraud " he put his hand in your pocket and said " THANKS"
springs to mind.

I cant wait for the next electon to see what short memories people have!!

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If something looks like Dirt, smells like dirt and tastes like Dirt, it probobley is dirt.

These kind of "parachutes" that have been appearing regularly of late, wreak of nothing more then politicians looking after their own backsides with our chequebooks while theres still money in the old girl. Even staunch FF's that I know cannot even find any credible explanations for the recent actions of these common thieves.

Its true what Noah said, FF will still get a huge vote and many of the clowns there now will get voted back in again and again . . . .

Dont know about anybody else, but I have a very cunning plan. Win the lotto and basically cut myself off from the system (so i dont have to worry about it screwing me).

Here goes my broken record sentence again "capitalism with democracy is just a contradiction in terms". We live in a system that rewards the rich and punishes the poor (or those not rich enough not to have to care!), should we be surprised that our politicians are taking as much of the pie as they can while its still there!

An interesting question is how many people could honestly admit (to themselves) that they wouldnt try and pay themselves as much as they could if they were in power. I would like to believe that I wouldnt, but nobody knows what they are capable of until they are actually in a position to spend somebody elses money (with a blank cheque!).

The only solution is for the general public to demand value for money. They dont fear us at all or they dont take us seriously (more to the point we dont make enough of these bonus's to make them listen). The truth is that the Irish Public are too busy worrying about their own finances to march for the inadequacies of all these hidden gems the politicians get . . .
These politicians have us figured out for ....gullible fools....because thats just what we are.They`ll get their P.R. people on the job .spin a few sob stories,wave the green flag and they`ll still get a respectable number of TDs elected.As the recession will continue under a coalition gov they``ll be back to win the election in 2015.
It doesn``t help that our media esp. RTE is under so much political influence.