Ryanair. If you don't pay for a seat, you may have to queue to get a boarding pass

I'd love to sit next to the Lep, and hear the story about how Ryanair came to threaten him with legal action. Do tell..
Surely the Ryanair whines that aren't related to having to queue for a boarding pass if you haven't booked a seat should be moved to one of the other Whineair threads?
I'd love to sit next to the Lep, and hear the story about how Ryanair came to threaten him with legal action. Do tell..

You’ll need to get back in the queue. It’s an interesting story though and Ryanair lost. But, I still fly with them. Here’s a hint and a throwaway quote from Michael O’Leary “The customer almost certainly is always wrong” per an RTE television interview some years ago.
Here’s a quotable quote from Leper:- “The customer always wins. “ - That’s one for your next sales meeting.
You’ll need to get back in the queue. It’s an interesting story though and Ryanair lost. But, I still fly with them. Here’s a hint and a throwaway quote from Michael O’Leary “The customer almost certainly is always wrong” per an RTE television interview some years ago.
Here’s a quotable quote from Leper:- “The customer always wins. “ - That’s one for your next sales meeting.

I beat them in the Small Claims Court almost 20 years ago. They immediately appealed, only to withdraw the appeal two days before it was due to air in court. That piece of petty spitefulness meant that it took me almost two years to collect my winnings!

But I'm still happy to fly with them, and am looking forward to my annual Algarve junket (that's the one where I buy a year's supply of my prescription medications for next to nothing) in a few weeks' time!