Ryanair - Hatchet job by Panorama.

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Panorama are to do a hatchet job on Ryanair tonight. Should be fun

From the Radiotimes

Current affairs

Panorama Monday 12 October

BBC 1 8:30pm - 9:00pm

Why Hate Ryanair?

Vivian White investigates the reasons why the ultimate no frills airline has gained a reputation as the brand Britain loves to hate but can't stop using. Passengers, suppliers and insiders contribute and chief executive Michael O'Leary doorsteps the programme makers in his own unique style.
I like Panorama, and I don't know if will be a hatchet job until I see it. I also like Ryanair but I dislike that I have to read so much small print everytime I fly and that the rules are forever changing. The website is designed to trip you up. Also the fact you don't get a refund if you don't fly annoys me. A flight was cancelled once due to not having enough passengers and we were left at the airport for hours for the next flight with not so much as a cup of tea, also people have been left stranded at out of the way airports overnight. I have come to accept this as part of the price for cheap airfares and my family will be forever grateful to Michael for this.
Why do we accept it though??

Probably because the flight cost less than a packet of crisps.

People continue to use Ryanair because it is cheap, generably reliable and withstanding the risks mentioned people feel it is worth it.
Jazus you have to hand it to Michael. He's brillant.

RonanC - I and millions of others fly Ryanair because over all they are efficient, on time, have many options and are very very cheap and some of us remember what it was like before they arrived. We do not want to go back to the private staff members travelling club that was Aer Lingus.
Well I 'm just back from Bergamo airport and we were treated like dogs by the ground staff. I'm beginning to think that even with the low fares it is not worth it flying anymore with Ryanair.

That sums it up well - I remember paying IR£450 in the late eighties to fly to Germany with Aer Lingus !
Sour grapes. The Brits dont like the fact that the Irish are taking over the skys. Even BA is run by an Irishman.
As long as you have no unreasonable expectations, there is nothing wrong with Ryanair IMO.

Problem is that all too often people make invidious comparisons with airlines costing 50% (and over) more. I don't know why they do that. I guess people just love to complain sometimes.
@ Bronte,

I would use Ryanair the most if I was flying anywhere due to the low cost. But if I had a complaint to make in relation to a cancelled flight I would make it irrespective of how much the flight cost. There is a system put in place to protect the consumer. At the end of the day you are only a bum on a seat with a wallet in your pocket to Ryanair.

Ryanair have made flying available to nearly everyone but customer service should also still be high on their list of priorities.

I come from the Fergal Quinn school of customer service and I bent over backwards to ensure the customer left the shop happy.

+1 - Cheap flights are great but a smile wouldnt go astray, not to tarnish all staff with the same brush but very bad customer service IMO / Experience.
That sums it up well - I remember paying IR£450 in the late eighties to fly to Germany with Aer Lingus !
Indeed! I recall paying Aer Lingus/BA IR£250-IR£300 a couple of times a month in the 80's get me to London and back. Long live Ryanair.
I wouldn't use them unless I really, really had to.

I've just made the choice I'm willing to pay a bit more to fly other airlines.
Ryanair are brill, I've seen so many countries thanks to their cheap air fares.

Flights are always on time in my experience .

I remember regualrly paying a 200 pounds pounds just to fly to England when I was younger.

I really don't see why people are annoyed by them. They're a flying bus.. just like dublin bus or bus eireann. What do people want from Ryanair over and above what dublin bus gives or the dart gives?
Great show by Michael! Great entertainment watching him tie the interviewer in knots.

Like many people I fly Ryanair whenever possible because there is a great set of destinations at silly prices. I get a bit narked at being charged for paying with my debit card, but even with that cost Ryanair are generally still the cheapest.

Eh, the programme hasn't aired yet...it's on in approximately 40 minutes.

Personally I don't like flying with Ryanair and where possible avoid using them regardless of the cost differential (within reason).

My major gripe is with the (generally) horrendous attitude of the staff...the sneering, snide and nasty stuff which, let's face it, comes from the top.
We flew in to Milan Bergamo Airport last summer - no probs with staff.

We'll be flying with Ryanair next summer unless Air Fungus do us a cheap deal offer.

RE the National carrier, I remember trying to come home from London in the mid-eighties. Dan Dare [Danair] were offering a one-way for £42, Air Fungus was £67.

I actually rang them and had it out with them, saying that I had arrived by boat and train, had made a few quid and was looking to travle home in style and convenience and would prefer to do so on the National carrier and could they not drop their prices.

Nope, was the answer.

Dan Air got my money and Ire Lungus didn't - simple as that.

O'Leary is still a bollox, but he's our bollox and he's good at what he does.


I didn’t catch this tonight. What was the end result?

I have to say that although I’ve been stung on more than one occasion by Ryanair’s rules and regs, it is a credit to what Irish people can achieve, if you loosen the yoke of government regulation and high taxes.

When like 10s of thousands of other young people, I left Ireland in the early 90s, it used to cost me £250 to get an Aer Lingus flight home from London at Christmas. Not only that, but you’d have to walk through the business class section with the politicians, and Aer Lingus uniforms taking up the best seats.

Whatever else about O’Leary, he brought a degree of democracy to the skies by allowing many young Irish people to travel home to see their families on a far more frequent basis than could ever have been possible if a State run bloated Aer Lingus maintained its monopoly.
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