Running business from council house

These people can afford to have a house of their own
Without access to all their financial records, how can you possibly know this.

In any event, it is totally irrelevant to any grounds for complaint.

You still haven't said what type of enterprise it is or if it is generating hazardous waste, noise or disruptive traffic.
These people can afford to have a house of their own. You are incorrect income is assessed annually
From what others have said, it is a lifetime tenancy. So if their income is assessed annually, their rent will have increased.

It is irrelevant if they can afford to buy a house now. It matters if they could afford to buy a house at the time of the initial assessment. People living in council houses doing well for themselves isn't something new. It has always been that way going back to when I was growing up. People weren't kicked out of their homes then and they won't be kicked out now.

In fact, you can say that it is good for the country as a whole. I would much prefer to see someone getting a council house doing well for themselves and their family instead of giving it a generations of the same family who contribute nothing to the country but just take benefits. At least the people doing well for themselves are paying taxes and the chances of future generations living on benefits is reduced.
Also probably needs planning
Many home businesses do not require planning, traffic and impact on surrounding neighbours is often a consideration there. If you believe that planning is required to run the type or scale of business taking place, then submit a complaint to the planning section of the local authority who will investigate.
It's in the tenancy agreement which they sign to. Also probably needs planning
Why are you refusing to state the type of business they are running.

Why is their nationality a problem for you?

Are you a legal expert in relation to terms and conditions of a tenancy agreement. Remember, a rule applies to ALL tenancies. Would you have the same issue if the people were Irish? - judging by your postings, I doubt it.

If you delve into the "homeless" figures, you will get the absolute shock of your life. Its not what the lefties and far right nutters want you to think.
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It's in breach of tenancy agreement and also planning. In my opinion they are taking houses from the homeless so when you are homeless you can applaud them
Here's the "homeless" report from May.

That gives standard figures.

The end of year report gives a breakdown of nationality

A previous report even broke it down further and had Irish travellers as a individual group (represented 19% at that time)

Also, don't make the basic error of mixing "homeless" with "rough sleepers". They are two very distinct groups. All "homeless" are in hotels, b&b's, family hubs or hostels. Rough sleepers generally have deep and complicated issues and have huge supports available and most have a preference for sleeping rough. If you assist for a few nights with one of the council's outreach team, you will see the empathy they receive, but also see the many issue they have. If you do volunteer for a few night you will also be told that these are adults and unless they are a danger to themselves, you cannot force them into accommodation.