Running business from council house


Registered User
Three people are running businesses from a council estate in breach of their tenancy agreement. I object to this as my relation has no house. I also object on principle, they could afford their own house. It's just greed, one can close business and spend summer in Poland.

If I report can they find out by FOI who reported it. I also know one of the council staff is friendly with one of the business tenants.

I do not care for myself but my relation may get a house there
We can't claim you have an ulterior motive as you are quite clear and unvarnished about your, in my opinion deeply unpleasant, motivation.

In my experience your local council will be obliged to release information if requested. This is a complaint, not a protected disclosure.

If the business is causing a high level of noise, traffic disruption, uses hazardous materials, or generates hazardous waste then you will have more grounds for your objections.

If the tenant is giving piano lessons or making garden planters, I can't imagine you'll get far.
It's in breach of tenancy agreement and also planning. In my opinion they are taking houses from the homeless so when you are homeless you can applaud them
For now, the information could be communicated anonymously with an indication that the author will be keeping the situation under review:).
I also object on principle, they could afford their own house.

I agree with you. People who get council houses who can afford to rent or buy privately should lose their council houses.

However, everyone else and the law and practice seems to think that this is heresy. My understanding is that when a council tenant's income increases, they increase the rent. But they are never required to vacate the house.

Yes, it is a lifetime tenacy.

Rents are linked to income, with a min and max rent.

There is a TD in social housing.