Running a car on the continent

Driving a RHD on the continent is not a big deal. I’ve done it lots and you get used to it easily, you just have to align mirrors a bit differently and watch a different blind spot.

It means you can’t really overtake on rural roads, but you shouldn’t be doing that anyway.
A right-hand drive on the incorrect side is not a pleasant experience for passengers, especially if they are from the continent. It is also exposing them to a potential risk I'd rather not do.
This is the same poster who had a thread a few days ago about trying to save a few bob by not paying for house insurance - I doubt conventional logic carries much sway here...
That's unhelpful, is unfair and incorrect. This is the only forum I have ever used and I've never used social media. But I now understand how online bullying works, before it was something I just read about in the news. As a moderator, Leo should not be laughing along.

On my question on house insurance, I stated a number of times it wasn't about the cost, it was to understand how house insurance worked, which I also said I did not know, having never made a claim. I don't think I've ever discussed house insurance with anyone before, I obviously had some understanding.

So I was ignorant on this, but now thanks to only two contributors: peteb and Ed054 I am better informed. Other contributors who gave opinions on this were incorrect, so I'm I glad I persisted.

I was the person concerned about 3rd parties, which is why I asked the question.

I secure my house when I'm away, so that there is a low risk of damage to it or my neighbours. But with it being left unoccupied sometimes for more than 30 days, my home insurance would be void. So that is why I was mainly concerned about this, not trying to save a few bob, maybe not having 'conventional logic' is better attitude.
Just trying to think of ideas here, how about buying a car parking space or buying a storage unit that you can use to both store the car and as an address for tax, insurance etc.

I was thinking of a mobile home but I am guessing as part of mobile home ownership you won’t be able to use it as a postal address.
Just trying to think of ideas here, how about buying a car parking space or buying a storage unit that you can use to both store the car and as an address for tax, insurance etc.

I was thinking of a mobile home but I am guessing as part of mobile home ownership you won’t be able to use it as a postal address.
Thank you for the ideas, but once I would have to spend more than a small amount of money I think I would go for a 2nd residence, despite the hassle, it would have benefits too.
Thank you for the ideas, but once I would have to spend more than a small amount of money I think I would go for a 2nd residence, despite the hassle, it would have benefits too.
i am really struggling to understand what the problem is that the solution is to buy a 2nd residence.

How often do you expect to be in Germany, why is it so inconvenient to rent a car? why not just rent the same car as you drive here to make it easier on yourself.
Yes, I'm pretty sure you're right. I was trying to see if there is something I'm overlooking, before going down the 2nd residence route.

Rentals are time consuming, add other problems and risks and I prefer my own vehicle.
What is time consuming about renting? It’s actually really simple. I rent cars in Ireland regularly. And elsewhere. Many countries have long term rental options at low cost. Especially if you avoid the obvious dates such as Christmas.

I can’t imagine anything riskier or worse than parking my own car for weeks at a time in different locations in France or Germany, the police won’t be happy with that carry on. You’re risking towing, flat battery, fines, wheels stolen. Sounds like a nightmare.
Just trying to think of ideas here, how about buying a car parking space or buying a storage unit that you can use to both store the car and as an address for tax, insurance etc.

I was thinking of a mobile home but I am guessing as part of mobile home ownership you won’t be able to use it as a postal address.
How would this work as she’s planning on moving all over the place. Also a car park space is not a residence.

I did a Ryanair quick check, she can get a car in Nice France for 30 days at about 22 Euro a day, Next Sunday, or equally after Halloween to mid December. No parking problems, no insurance issues, no maintenance issues, no wear and tear, brand new type car, inbuilt assistance. No police problems. ….