16) Please respect the privacy of others:
Some contributors post anonymously/pseudonymously because they do not want to divulge their real identity for a variety of reasons. Please respect their right to privacy and desist from speculating on Askaboutmoney about their real identities. Posts which speculate about the identity of bona-fide contributors (as opposed to suspected spammers or other nuisance posters) who choose to post anonymously/pseudonymously will be removed.
17) Letting off Steam is for regular contributors to do just that:
The Letting Off Steam forum is designed for regular contributors to Askaboutmoney to occasionally discuss non financial issues. It is not designed to be a platform for people who make little or no other contribution (e.g. by answering finance related queries or otherwise contributing to the more finance orientated forums) to Askaboutmoney to stir up trouble or pursue their own campaigns. These posters should find another website to pursue their objectives.