RTE presenters salaries



Where does RTE get the salary packages for their presenters from - thin air? On RTE Radio 2, E650K for the most obnoxious uninformed bozo is flagrant abuse of tax payers money. They may argue that is the going rate for a high-profile presenter. Says who? Are they judging it on similar UK presenters? OK, throw down the gauntlet and tell these overpaid second-raters to go and get a job in the UK - they wouldn't stand a chance as no-one has ever heard of them outside of Ireland. Therefore, because their salaries are largely paid for out of the public purse, they should be on Civil Service rates.

I am sick to death of the RTE 1 daytime hosts crying crocodile tears when talking to homeless people of social welfare dependant people. How can someone on between E7 - E10k per week have any empathy for someone struggling for survival?

Elocution and diction is also sadly lacking
- they all should have lessons in plain English.
Geegee , I think that you are barking up a wrong tree, and are a begrudger. If it was you that was getting the big bobs you would not complain. There were and will be many Irish broadcasters who have and will make it big in the UK. Why oh why should we always use the UK as a yardstick. Let us stand on our own two feet for once. Also if you are so brave to make such assertions then be brave enough to tell us who you are talking about or are you afraid of the legal consequences. I would suggest you think hard before you answer this.... if you do answer it . :mad
How can someone on between E7 - E10k per week have any empathy for someone struggling for survival?

Elocution and diction is also sadly lacking
- they all should have lessons in plain English.

This is a bizarre juxtaposition of concerns in my personal opinion! If you feel so strongly about this issue why not ditch your TV receiving gear and legitimately stop paying your TV licence.

I have some sympathy for Geegee - in a time where we hear that RTE has stopped giving out free RTE Guides to staff in an effort to save money, it seems over the top top be paying salaries of such proportion - and while they may or may not make it over in the UK I'd bet a couple of them would take a pay reduction rather than run off to the UK at this stage of their lives together with their families. We are paying a high license fee.
Re: rte

Why attack the high-earners? Why not impose a % wage cut on all salaries at RTE - say 15%? Hell, why not try it with the entire public service - then we'll be really on a winner - right?

Geegee , I think that you are barking up a wrong tree, and are a begrudger. If it was you that was getting the big bobs you would not complain.

If the fact that I do not appreciate my licence fee paying grossly over inflated salaries to second rate presenters makes me a begrudger then so be it. Obviously I would not complain if I was getting the big bucks but other people would have the right to and anyway, that is a hypothetical situation - let's stick with actuality.

There were and will be many Irish broadcasters who have and will make it big in the UK. Why oh why should we always use the UK as a yardstick. Let us stand on our own two feet for once.

Irish people may well make it big in the UK but they usually are virtual unknowns over here beforehand. We should use the UK as a yard stick because it happens to be our (helllllooo!) nearest long-established industrialised neighbour and the fifth largest economy in the World. If Japan happened to be our nearest neighbour than perhaps we would look to them but they are not; the UK is, funnily enough.

Also if you are so brave to make such assertions then be brave enough to tell us who you are talking about or are you afraid of the legal consequences.

Absolutely, only a fool would not be when living in one of the most litigious societies in the world.

I would suggest you think hard before you answer this.... if you do answer it .

What are you on about? Why would I not answer it? What do you want me to think hard about?


This is a bizarre juxtaposition of concerns in my personal opinion! If you feel so strongly about this issue why not ditch your TV receiving gear and legitimately stop paying your TV lice

I made a couple of what could have been a multitude of concerns. In case you are not aware, you have to have a TV licence whether you watch RTE or not.
Geegee you have proved my point you are a begrudger!!!!
1. You have still not named names so you are a cowardly begrudger.

2. Cop on, anyone who make it big are always unknown before they make it big.

3. I am not as thick as you think (hellllloooo) Russia is only two miles from Canada and either are not led by each other

4. You complain about paying your over inflated TV licence and getting scant reward, yet you are paying over inflated tax to inept politicians yet you do not complain. What is your gripe with RTE were you sacked by them... I think so.

5. Why make accusations when you cannot back these up with facts.
In case you are not aware, you have to have a TV licence whether you watch RTE or not.

I realise that - that's why I said that you could always get rid of all of your TV receiving equipment and avoid the need for a licence if you so choose.
The TV license is way too much . RTE salaries are way too much. Everyone I know watches UTV and BBC and C4 and Sky much more than RTE, yet we have to pay a licence to 1950's style RTE.

Why cut everyone's salary by 15%? Most people earn a wage that is in some proportion to their output. It is the grossly inflated salaries of some that impact on the TV license that we pay. Word is that RTE are now interested in taking a former TV3 , now SKY News presenter due to the lack of interest in SKY News Ireland. What's the betting that they will probably offer a wage increase to that person in the process? While I'm at it, why does RTE need 2 newsreaders at 6pm to take turns reading the news? Back in the days of Don Cockburn etc it seemed that we were happy with one face on the tele. And why do they send their newsreaders up the north when something "big" is going down - just to interview their correspondent that is already up there?

And before I get berated like Geegee, why all the attitude with regard to individual opinions? This area of AAM is known as "Letting of Steam" - can that not include begrudgery
Everyone I know watches UTV and BBC and C4 and Sky much more than RTE, yet we have to pay a licence to 1950's style RTE.

So do you think that we should be able to watch the BBC for free at the expense of the UK license payers or something?If somebody objects strongly to the TV license then there is always a legitimate way out of paying it. I think that XXXAnother PersonXXX has done this if I recall correctly.

I realise that - that's why I said that you could always get rid of all of your TV receiving equipment and avoid the need for a licence if you so choose.

Surely the fact that he has a TV License buys him the right to comment on how it's spent. It's a nonsence to say that he should pay up and shut up or else get rid of his TV altogether.

When you pay bank charges do you agree to never criticise the bank? When you pay tax do you agree to never criticise the government? How about Mobile phone and telephone bills. You get my point.

Don't say TV is a luxury. Lots of people survive without bank accounts, and a telephone is no more essential than a television.

He has a perfectly valid point. You might not agree with it, but the fact is the cost of the TV licence is constantly rising. If that rise is to pay these salaries then it's perfectly acceptable to ask why we can't have a cheaper licence and a different type of service.

The guy has paid his licence and has a right to complain. Telling him to stop complaining or else get rid of his TV is just plain nonsence and to use my favourite McDowell quote of 2004 - "Not replete with intellectual integrity".

BTW, I have BBC Freeview and would gladly pay the UK TV Licence instead of the Irish one for the service provided.

Happy Christmas.

Re: Nonsense

It's a nonsence to say that he should pay up and shut up or else get rid of his TV altogether.

Whether it is or it isn't I never said that or any of the rest of the stuff you seem to attribute to me. I merely pointed out that somebody who doesn't agree with the license fee is under no obligation to pay it and can avoid the need for paying it by getting rid of their TV receiving equipment if they so choose. I never told anybody what to do, whether it be to stop complaining or to ditch their TV reception equipment. It might make for a more constructive discussion if you actually read what people post and desist from engaging in knee-jerk rants against what you thought that they posted. :rolleyes
Re: Nonsense

So do you think that we should be able to watch the BBC for free at the expense of the UK license payers or something?

No, but we have to pay the ever increasing RTE licence fee as it is, even though we hardly watch any of it. Like another poster, I would not mind paying the BBC fee, as we watch more BBC, UTV, Channel 4 etc than RTE.

Whether it is or it isn't I never said that or any of the rest of the stuff you seem to attribute to me.

Actually you did. In response to his complaints about RTE not about the license itself, you responded...

This is a bizarre juxtaposition of concerns in my personal opinion! If you feel so strongly about this issue why not ditch your TV receiving gear and legitimately stop paying your TV licence.

He never said he didn't want to pay the licence. He said it was being wasted. A valid point of view even if you disagree with it. And having paid it he's entitled to say what he likes about how it's spent.

It might make for a more constructive discussion if you actually read what people post and desist from engaging in knee-jerk rants against what you thought that they posted.

There's no need to get stroppy. It's christmas. Go back and read what HE actually said before you made a knee-jerk comment about what you thought he said.

Re: Whatever.

I sometimes wonder why the armchair experts are so absolutely convinced that they know more about running a TV station than those who have built their careers around running TV stations?
Re: Whatever.

Same reason the armchair experts think they know more than the people who run Banks, Hospitals, Countries, or even Building Societies.

Re: Whatever.

Just noticed that Geegee has gone qt, is it a fact that he copped on or is he one of the thieves of his bosses time.
tv presenters

Guys Guys Guys.........

Geegee is more than entitled to voice his concerns about how Irish tv licence payers/taxpayers money is spent........as are all the rest of us !

I agree with him !!!

Most Irish tv presenters are -

'Over-rated, Overpaid and Over here !!!'

The radio presenter he alludes to is not worth the money he is paid, for the job he does - as is the case with most RTE radio/tv presenters !

I bet there are many more competent people out there who - given half the chance - would do a better job for a quarter of the cost !

Happy christmas to all !

Re: tv presenters

i think geegee has a very valid point. pk gr etc would do the same jobs for a fifth of what they currently get . they would not have a choice but to accept it as they would not be able to get jobs elsewhere. even at a fifth , they would still be very well paid. their current salary levels which are multiples of what bertie gets are not justified.