Max Hopper
Quite presumptuous and grammatically deficient of you to interpret my statement as possessive. I stand by the meaning as written. But you have diverted the thread tangentially.
Certainly I have heard of the concept of slum ownership. Perhaps you can help Bridget out and post one of the numerous excess deeds you hold to her. And while your at An Post (yet another failed state operation), bung one my way.Well Max have you ever heard of the theory of two residences or wait for this even 3,4 or 5 , I know that it is a hard thing to grasp coming from your background , you are showing your true colours now.
Tis quite refreshing to find another as aberrated as myself.By the way on the awareness of your contardictions{Sp?} can i refresh your memory....
Thick as shoeleather, that satirical style. Wot ya reckin?Max
“We are facing yet another price rise by a state-controlled, regulated utility. Dearie me! How can that happen? Input costs change. Meteorological factors”.
Again another ridiculous jocular remark at the previous poster , did I hear you say something like sarcasm was an injury no wait it was “Sarcasm, my dears. A self-inflicted injury, 'own goal'.”
then Max Stated:
N.B. I am not moaning about ESB's price rises. I think they are warranted. And I for one am prepared to pay even more per kWH to shutter the peat-fired smokers in the BMW region.
Bertie claimed to haveGo look up a dictionary and get back to me.
and the called look up other's garments.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->But I look in, at, or upon books.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->Prepositions, the bane of English speakers everywhere.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->"looked up every tree in north Dublin"
Either form is correct, but you receive -10 points for improper handling of nouns.You bring {a} new meaning{s} to the word 'nerd' {a comma (,) belongs here in direct statements} Max.