Roy Keane ?

Wanna name anyone that actually admits what they did?

You went from assuming why Haaland shouted at him on the ground to confirming it, a bit like see a man spit and then assuming what nobody else has ever assumed.

You do realise that Haalands career ended because of an injury to his other knee right?
If he was a rugby player he would be a warrior, to you he is a thug, to me he was one of the reasons why i enjoyed watching football before he retired.

Any right thinking rugby supporter would not regard that type of thuggery in a game as the sign of a warrior - far from it. Thuggery should be condemned in any sport. Schalk Burger ( eye gouging of Luke Fitzgerald ) should be treated with the same contempt as Roy Keane imo.
I actually saw this game again recently. Before the shocking tackle from Keane, the 2 of them were literally knocking lumps out of each other. They were both tackling badly and late (with the crowd loving it) and it was a matter of time before someone was badly injured. The were clearly targetting each other. The ref probably should have anticipated it and sent both of them off for earlier fouls.
I am not saying it was self-preservation on Keane's part but these things need to be taken in context.
Niall Quinn thinks we should give Keane the job.
I find the logic hard to understand since he has achieved very little in his managment career to date.

What he did at Sunderland was impressive but the problem is that players will not be lining up to play for him either at club or international level. I don't think he will ever make it is a manager without a personality transplant.

That's fair enough (to an extent) if that match was the context in isolation. However the context of the tackle takes on a whole new meaning after what Keane said in his book about it effectively being pre-meditated.
Niall Quinn thinks we should give Keane the job.
I find the logic hard to understand since he has achieved very little in his managment career to date.

Managerial track record has rarely been on the criteria when choosing an Ireland manager. At club level his short carrer to date would surpass most previous managers, I'm not touting him for the job btw, I don't see John 'the next rounds on me lads' Delaney picking someone that might rock the boat.
What he did at Sunderland was impressive but the problem is that players will not be lining up to play for him either at club or international level. I don't think he will ever make it is a manager without a personality transplant.

He might never make it any further, and he should learn to choose his battles, and unfortunately it would also stand to him if he just fell in with the cliche brigade and didn't answer the questions put to him.
The personality issue I'm not so sure of, because there have been many ruthless and sometimes mad managers that have thrived in the game, it will come down more to his actual ability to manage and whether its something that he either has or hasn't. The jury is still out on that.
Weather 35 degrees in Cracow today , pint of beer running at approx 1.80 euro & wide ranging cuisine & the most stunning women I've ever seen.

The team played dreadfully but boy am I glad they got us here.

Ran into the boy Roy today together with Gareth Southgate whilst visiting Auschwitz - now there's a place that puts football in perspective.