I really can't stand the man!
Anyone who will deliberately try to harm another, and for what?
Because 2 years previously Halland shouted at him because he fell in the penalty area.
Keane was in extreme pain and was not faking it, but many players have faked falling in the area to try to get a penalty, I assume he thought that Keane was trying it on.
That's why he was so angry and shouted at him on the ground.
Keane's response 2 years later was to not tackle him but foul him.
He could have had the courage to call him out but no he had to do it on the TV with everyone watching.
Halland went for the ball and got it, but Keane was not aiming at the ball he aimed at the man.
We should call that incident what it was, an unprovoked assault.
It is my belief that the police should have been involved in that incident.
The location was aimed at his victim on the ground.
Did they end peoples careers because someone shouted at them?