Router Firewall problem.....

Re: Got...

Thanks Zag, you could be right, what would I know.

From Netopia:

Primary DNS
Secondary DNS

Really convinced my problem lies within the following settings which you might check against your own.

Under Avanced TCP/IP settings:
IP Settings: DHCP Enabled
DNS: Only "append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes ticked
Wins: Enable LMhosts + Nios Setting Default ticked
Options: TCP/IP : Enable TCP/IP filters ( all adapters ) not ticked

Some websites seem to advise to set up pinhole ports for TCP/UDP. However when I do, all goes pear shaped. No P2P and web acesss is extremely slow.

The way I've got set up. P2P is hit and miss and web is fairly quick once contact is made with website.

Remember, guiding me through this is like telling a woman how to put air in her tyres. Sorry Mrs M.
A month later.....

... eventually fixed. Suspected it was something to do with those "tunnel adapter" thingamajigs and DNS issues. Found a link suggesting i do an uninstall ipv6. Did so, the tunnel adapters disappeared and speeds are back to normal. Not sure why but it works. Cheers all.