Rose of Tralee



Why on earth is this still being televised? It's the most cringe inducing show. I admit I didn't watch most of the show last night but unfortunately caught a glimpse of the escorts 'performing' a song from Grease at one point. It was truely horrendous.....
Yes, I think its time for the ROT (tv show) to take a lap of honour. Nevertheless there are other aspects of the festival which are still enjoyable - the racing for instance.

ajapale moon was rising
You don't honestly believe that because something is cringeworthy it will end up getting dropped from RTE.

Soethimes I wonder if cringeworthy is a required attribute.

* Telly Bingo
* Fair City
* Rose OF Tralee
* You're A Star
* Winning Streak
* Celebrity Farm

Can you make a list that long of RTE productions that don't make you cringe?

I believe they even managed to combine You're a Star with the Rose last night by having some of the (un)forgettable contestants singing on the show.
I wouldn't care if they canceled it. It's only one more programme I'm going to make a conscious decision to miss year after year...but I'd bet the country would be up in arms if they decided to get rid of it. Too much history involved. It also adds to the leprechaun appeal for the tourists.
The bottom line is shows like Tellybingo, Winning Streak, Rose of Tralee wouldn't be on if people didn't watch them. If RTE start televising slug racing, there's a fair chance people wouldn't watch it for long and so it'd get cancelled. Sometimes I think you have to accept that just because you personally think it is tripe doesn't mean everyone does. For the record I don't watch any of the shows listed above but that's my choice, some choose to watch some and so be it.

As for the Rose of Tralee, sure it is pretty cheesey but I'm sure it is a great tourism boost for the area and after all it is only on TV for probably 4 hours a year and in the newspapers for a day or two, it isn't too difficult to ignore it. I can't understand why people want to see it cancelled, it isn't doing any harm and if some people enjoy the show and locals benefit financially then surely it isn't much of a sacrifice for those who dislike it just to ignore it.

For the record I've no interest in watching the Rose of Tralee either.
I don't necessarily want to see it cancelled. I don't watch it, I don't care about it, or any other show on the list. Most of My TV watching is DVD's or other channels.

It does gall me slightly that in order to watch a DVD I have to pay for RTE to make tripe like that.

RTE does OK on News and Current Affairs, not too bad on Sport and it'd be a shame to see it go out of business. So I try to ignore the other stuff.

But just to reiterate, being cringeworthy will never be a reason for RTE to drop a show. Cringeworthy seems to be IN VOGUE at the moment.

Read A Book


But just to reiterate, being cringeworthy will never be a reason for RTE to drop a show. Cringeworthy seems to be IN VOGUE at the moment.

I agree, people must be watching these shows for them to be still on RTE.

I watch it every year waiting for the bikini bit but I always sem to manage to fall asleep before they doff their kits.
And don't forget the Lyrics Board!

But does the public want what the public gets or vice versa? Why is there a greater proprotion of chinge-making stuff on RTE than on other networks? I know UTV had that Town Challenge muck but I can't think of anything on the BBC that might equate with the list of stuff we have. Maybe it's not the yanks, maybe it's us who like the tracky-leprauchan stuff.

I have to say, at this stage, it would almost make more sense, to get a franchise off the BBC for general viewing and regionalise the sports and news broadcasts. At least they got rid of the ad that we were getting so much for less than the cost of an apple a day because apart from the TV drivel, we are receiving less and less radio signals here in the sticks and it's a long time since I saw the RTE orchestra or children's choir in the midlands.

Patriotic stuff aside, how much worse off would we actually be, I wonder. There'd be nothing to stop us continuing to make our own programmes and having them shown on "unfranchised" time. We might even get some programming that isn't commercially led; anyone for a consumer rights programme? The Late Late might have cars that aren't Renaults. Joe Duffy might be loosened from his straitjacket. Goodness knows I might even be able to listen to him without all the crackling I'm getting now. I think I'd trust the BBC quicker than big business to hold the major sway in broadcasting.


I think the Rose of Tralee is indicative of how we, as a nation, are prepared to ridicule and prostitute ourselves for the sake of being popular.

The ROT has its roots in an era when the Irish were emigrating in droves, cap in hand, to the far corners of the earth. The contest reflected the presence of the diaspora abroad and gave them a sense of home.

Fast forward to the present day and things have changed. The Irish abroad are there because they choose to be. We're an independent, confidant country capable of standing on its own two feet and the vast majority of its citizens abhor the notion that we in some way have to kow-tow to the rest of the developed world with drivel like this. The values promoted by the contest are outdated and irrelevant.

Meanwhile, toss like the ROT will continue to portray the Irish people as a bunch of feckless, whiskey-drinking, This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language-kicking wasters of no real purpose. This may have suited us at one point years ago but we've all moved on. It's time that RTE and the organisers of this charade pulled the plug for the sake of or reputation (or is it just the taking part that counts..........).

It does gall me slightly that in order to watch a DVD I have to pay for RTE to make tripe like that.

Not strictly true. You do have to pay the licence fee if you have iron in your blood.

I watch DVDs on my PC, and don't have a licence. (Don't know who that 'comedian' is either on the other thread )

I find ROT a truly wonderful show - all those comely maidens, so pure and so chased. To think that many live in heathen protestant parts full of hussies. Ireland's roses are our modern day missionaries.

ROT is second only to TIT (Tulip in Tehran) as seen on Al Jazzeira TV - the maidens only show their eyes on TIT.

Credit Where it's due, Reeling in The Years is superb.
Whoever is responsible should be allowed to run RTE.

It is interesting to note that it doesn't have a presenter.
hmmmmm Coincidence???? I think not.


Credit Where it's due, Reeling in The Years is superb.
Whoever is responsible should be allowed to run RTE.
Hear, Hear...
reeling ...

Reeling in the years is a decent stab at programming by RTE, and they have at least resisited the ITV/Sky/BBC trend to have the same talking heads between the clips. Though the cynical side of me suggests this is probably more to do with available finance than artisitic control.

Let's not get carried away though, all they have done is pulled together a selection of the '...and finally' bits from their news archive and overlaid the music du jour. It is remarkably effective though, mostly due to the sense of nostalgia it generates in the viewer.

One serious flaw however, that has had me switching off on more than one occasion: the subtitle graphics.

They are the most appalling I have ever seen. Mostly due to the lags in the middle of sentences to accommodate the scrolling effect. Can only assume they are done by a student on placement.

Please tell me someone else has noticed this, and is equally bothered?!! Any other retentives out there?

Other feathers in RTE's TV cap:

~ Paths to Freedom
~ Questions and Answers...on a good day
~ Apres Match
~ Music documentary series from a few years back that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of..
~ Sharon Ni Bheolain

But against that:

~ Gerry Ryan in anything...
~ Extra Extra, Upwardly Mobile, Cassidys etc
~ New Year's Eve - every year
~ Des Cahill...why?
~ Blatant Lotto endorsement programming - lazy and morally wrong
~ Bill O'Herlihy
~ Pat Kenny
~ The Angelus
~ Peter Collins

Incidentally, isn't it about time credits at the end of tv programmes were scrapped? Who really cares who made the lunch on the set of Midsomer?
Re: reeling ...

Hear, Hear...

is that rainyday and daltonr agreeing on something? :eek

Surely things can't be that black and white??
Reeling in the Years

Vitus, I'm with ya on this. Those graphics are really really bad. They make "Reeling in the Years" seem really amateurish. It's a grand programme and all, but god above, don't RTE know to milk it and I agree that it's part of the cult of nostalgia that probably makes it seem better than it is; like those "I love 1973" programmes. Its definitely not cutting edge and it could hardly cost the price of a million or so apples a day. What are they doing with the money - over-paying useless hasbeens, that's what. The radio lineup is more or less the same as it was when I was a kid. Who needs nostalgia when RTE is stuck in a timewarp.

You know they're going to try and make ROT even bigger and brighter for next year - I read that they're going to try and increase the number of contestants from 28 lovely Roses to 85 or something ridiculous like that - The thing will last all week!

And yes, the Grease bit was seriously painful.....
Never mind the clip of the Roses and Escorts singing 'We are the Roses/Escorts' to the tune of of 'We are the Champions'..... truly horrendous...

I missed that bit thankfully.

I never intended to slag off RTE in general. I think some of their programming is excellent (particularly enjoyed the "Horse Operas" series earlier this year).

Just getting a bit tired of some of the twee programming that is becoming very dated.

Yes, that clip was BRUTAL.

I am not articulate enough to express how bad that was.