Rolling off fixed rate in September. Move to variable and wait for better offers?


Registered User
We roll off a fixed rate of 2.9% with BOI in September, Will be ~355k with 15 years, <35%LTV.

BOI are offering us 4.15 variable LTV <=60 rate, or 1 or 2 year fixed at 4.15% plus a 0.3% BER discount
to make the rate 3.85%.

AIB are offering 3.55% 5 year fixed green rate, which we could switch too, with a Cashback offer that would
cover the switching fees.

These appear to be the best rates available. However I wouldn’t like to fix for 5 years at that rate with AIB in case break
fees become an issue in future. Fixing with BOI for a year even seems a little risky to me for the sake of 0.3% saving over
the variable rate.

It’s an judgement call I know, but anyone feel strongly either way?