Review of Quangos in Ireland

I don't think this approach would solve all problems but there is definitely potential to get sections to do the same work with less people. Not so much slashing the numbers, but even a 10-15% reduction in numbers would represent a saving of a couple of billion euro.

Re: Mc Carthy report. There was never any serious attempt to implement it from day one. Remember it was refered to as 'a menu of options', even though it was pointed out to the government it needed 3 times the savings of the ABS report.

I honestly believe that everyone got caught up in the whole public versus private debate and this allowed ABS and the taxation report to be moth-balled.
Yes indeed, and political incompetence has no boundaries. But they have taken one step further than Ireland has.

I don't necessarily agree. The series on Morning Ireland which has been on over the last few mornings (including this morning) has outlined savings that have been achieved by Department on implementing recommendations of the McCarthy Report.
The Irish Human Right Council incurred salary costs of €1.2m in 2008.

The 'WHAT WE DO' section lists a number of areas, mainly around the promotion of awareness and debate around human rights.

Could this be done for less - overall spend was €2.4m.
Would abuse hurtle into the vacuum created by the abolition of this QUANGO ?

Are there more pressing needs for that level of spend ?
So start your list, Michael...

Mt thoughts exactly.

Easy to say - not so easy to do.

I find it odd at times that many of those who would advocate a "private sector" approach to public service provision would also advocate the abolition of agencies who were set up bring a certain amount of specialised expertise to the provision of public services.

In most cases, there were very good reasons for the creation of these agencies at the outset. Now that we're skint, we can call them all "quangos" which must of course mean that they're all white elephants with the sole function of providing jobs for the boys.

When they've all been closed down, consider then whether the holy grail of "efficiencies" has been achieved (assuming people even have a thought-through sense of what this term actually means).
Breaking News:

The Government has decided to abolish all quangos, except one. That quango will look into the environmental aspect of the Eiffel Tower.

It will be know as the last quango in Paris.
Quangos will not be abolished for the following reasons:

1. They are cushy numbers for ex-politicians and their friends.
2. Many of them wield power, that might threaten the government.
3. It won't do the unemployment figures any good.

So until the IMF/EU visit, we're stuck with them.

There may be some truth in 1 and 3, but 2 doesn't hold any more. The Govt sent a clear message to quangos about what happens if they actually attempt to hold the Govt to account when the emasculated the Equality Authority with a 43% budget cut (at a time when there was no real budget issue). There was a very clear message there to keep your head down and your mouth shut.
So start your list, Michael...

There's an interesting thread on this on -
[broken link removed]

This is the list of 170 existing quangos that they provide:

Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Sea Fisheries Protection Authority 2007
Arts, Sport and Tourism National Sports Campus Development Authority 2007
Communications, Energy & Natural
National Oil Reserves Agency 2007
TG4 2007
Enterprise, Trade and Employment High Level Group on Business Regulation 2007
Enterprise, Trade and Employment National Consumer Agency 2007
Enterprise, Trade and Employment National Employment Rights Authority 2007
Limerick Northside Regeneration Agency 2007
Environment, Heritage and Local
Health and Children Children Acts Advisory Board 2007
Health and Children Health & Social Care Professionals Council 2007
Health and Children HIQA 2007
Health and Children National Cancer Screening Services Board 2007
Health and Children National Paediatric Hospital Development Board 2007
Transport and the Marine Railway Safety Advisory Council 2007
Foreign Affairs Hunger Task Force 2007
Arts, Sport and Tourism Abbey Theatre (Amharclann na Mainistreach) 2006
Arts, Sport and Tourism Crawford Gallery Cork 2006
Arts, Sport and Tourism Fáilte Ireland (National Tourism Development Authority) Community, Rural and Gaeltacht 2006
Dormant Accounts Board 2006
Communications, Energy & Natural resources 2006
Eirgrid 2006
Education and Sciences Education Finance Board 2006
Education and Sciences Grangegorman Development Agency 2006
Education and Sciences The Teaching Council 2006
Enterprise, Trade and Employment IAASA 2006
Health and Children Health Repayment Scheme Appeals Office 2006
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Local Registration of Deeds and Title Rules Committee Justice, Equality and Law Reform Private Security Appeals Board 2006
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission 2006
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Garda Siochana Inspectorate 2006
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Mental Health Criminal Law Review Board 2006
Transport and the Marine Railway Safety Commission 2006
Transport and the Marine Integrated Ticketing Project Board 2006
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Property Registration Authority 2006
Arts, Sport and Tourism Culture Ireland 2005
Arts, Sport and Tourism National Museum of Ireland 2005
Community, Rural and Gaeltacht 2006
Pobal 2005
Western Development Commission 2005
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Small Business Forum - Implementation Group 2005
Environment, Heritage and Local Governm,ent 2005
Affordable Homes Partnership 2005
Health and Children Health Service Executive 2005
Justice, Equality and Law Reform National Property Services Regulatory Authority 2005
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime 2005
Comhairle na Tuaithe 2004
Oifig Choimisinéir na d'Teangacha Oifigiúla 2004
Fóram na Gaeilge 2004
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Personal Injuries Assessment Board 2004
Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Private Residential Tenancies Board 2004
Health and Children National Haemophilia Council 2004
Health and Children National Treatment Purchase Fund 2004
Health and Children Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health 2004
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Private Security Authority 2004
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Independent Monitoring Commission 2004
Finance Credit Union Advisory Committee 2004
Finance Outside Appointments Board 2004
Finance Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal 2004
Finance Financial Services Ombudsman Council 2004
Finance Financial Services Consultative Consumer Panel 2004
Finance Financial Services Consultative Industry Panel 2004
Transport and the Marine Commission for Taxi Regulation 2004
Transport and the Marine Dublin Airport Authority 2004
Transport and the Marine Shannon Airport Authority 2004
Transport and the Marine Cork Airport Authority 2004
Regional Drugs Taskforces (10) 2003
Communications, Energy & Natural resources 2006
Digital Hub Development Agency 2003
Defence Civil Defence Board 2003
Education and Sciences National Council for Special Education 2003
Education and Sciences State Examinations Commission 2003
Foreign Affairs Development Education Advisory Committee 2003
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Remembrance Commission 2003
Finance Decentralisation Implementation Group 2003
Finance National Development Finance Agency 2003
Finance Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland 2003
Finance Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority 2003
Social and Family Affairs Family Support Agency 2003
Transport and the Marine Advisory Council to the Commission for Taxi Regulation 2003
Social and Family Affairs Office of the Pensions Ombudsman 2003
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Consumer Liaison Panel 2002
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council 2002
Communications, Energy & Natural 2002
Commission for Communications Regulation 2002
Communications, Energy & Natural resources 2002
Sustainable Energy Ireland 2002
Education and Sciences National Education Welfare Board 2002
Education and Sciences National Adult Learning Council 2002
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Irish Council for Bioethics 2002
Foreign Affairs Advisory Board for Irish Aid 2002
Health and Children Mental Health Commission 2002
Health and Children Office for Tobacco Control 2002
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Office of the Inspector of Prisons 2002
Finance Ordnance Survey Ireland 2002
Finance State Claims Agency Policy Committee 2002
Transport and the Marine The Marine Casualty Investigation Board 2002
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food RELAY 2001
Arts, Sport and Tourism Horse Racing Ireland 2001
National Monitoring Committee Overseeing the Operation of repid programme 2001
Education and Sciences Further Education and Training Awards Council 2001
Education and Sciences Higher Education and Training Awards Council 2001
Education and Sciences Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and technology Education and Sciences National Qualifications Authority of Ireland 2001
Education and Sciences National Youth Work Advisory Council 2001
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Competition Law Review Group 2001
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Office of the Directors Corporate Enforcement 2001
Taoiseach National Economic and Social Development Office 2001
Taoiseach National Centre for Partnership and Performance 2001
Taoiseach Ireland Newfoundland Partnership Board 2001
Taoiseach National Forum on Europe 2001
Health and Children Crisis Pregnancy Agency 2001
Health and Children Dental Council 2001
Health and Children Health Insurance Authority 2001
Health and Children National Children's Advisory Council 2001
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Parole Board 2001
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Midlands Prison Visiting Committee 2001
Finance Committee for Performance Awards 2001
Finance National Pensions Reserve Commission 2001
Transport and the Marine Railway Procurement Agency 2001
Transport and the Marine Commission for Aviation Regulation 2001
Arts, Sport and Tourism Tourism Ireland (North/South Body) 2000
National Advisory Committee on Drugs 2000
National Salmon Commission 2000
Education and Sciences Irish Research Council for the Humanities and social sciences 2000
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Advisory Science Council 2000
Enterprise, Trade and Employment National Framework Committee for Work/Life Balance Enterprise, Trade and Employment Science Foundation Ireland 2000
Health and Children Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council 2000
Health and Children Food Safety Consultative Council 2000
Health and Children Scientific Committee of the Food Safety Authority 2000
Justice, Equality and Law Reform National Disability Authority 2000
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Internet Advisory Board 2000
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner 2000
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Refugee Appeals Tribunal 2000
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Cloverhill Prison Visiting Committee 2000
Finance Public Services Benchmarking Body 2000
Social and Family Affairs Citizens Information Board 2000
Arts, Sport and Tourism Irish Sports Council 1999
Bord o Ulstér-Scotch 1999
Foras na Gaeilge 1999
Waterways Ireland 1999
Commission for Energy Regulation 1999
Communications, Energy & Natural Resources 1999
Mining Board 1999
Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission 1999
Education and Sciences Integrated Ireland Language and Training Ltd 1999
Enterprise, Trade and Employment InterTrade Ireland 1999
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Skillsnet Limited 1999
Comhar Sustainable Development Council 1999
Environment, Heritage and Local Government 1999
Irish Water Safety 1999
National Traveller Accommodation Committee 1999
Health and Children Food Safety Authority of Ireland 1999
Health and Children Food Safety Promotion Board 1999
Health and Children Institute of Public Health 1999
Health and Children National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery 1999
Health and Children St Luke's Hospital Board 1999
Health and Children National Childcare Coordinating Committee 1999
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Equality Authority 1999
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Independent Monitoring Committee for Refugee Legal Services 1999
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Courts Services 1999
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Independent Commission for the Location of Victims Remains 1999
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Prisons Authority Interim Board 1999
Justice, Equality and Law Reform National Crime Council 1999
Finance Special EU Programmes Body 1999
Finance Civil Service Arbitration Board 1999
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Aquaculture Licences Appeals 1998
Arts, Sport and Tourism Council of National Cultural Institutions 1998
Education and Sciences Tipperary Institute 1998
Enterprise, Trade and Employment Enterprise Ireland 1998

There is a list of 259 on this link:
[broken link removed]
Thanks Shnaek. Here is one that just jumped out at me: "Transport and the Marine Integrated Ticketing Project Board 2006"
How useless and incompetent is this body? Now I don't use public transport much, but it was posted somewhere here at AAM recently that there is still no integrated ticket available in Ireland. We've been paying these guys for 4 years to come up with nothing!!!!
I'm not going to depress myself by trying to find out what some of these bodies actually are meant to be doing.
I don't necessarily agree. The series on Morning Ireland which has been on over the last few mornings (including this morning) has outlined savings that have been achieved by Department on implementing recommendations of the McCarthy Report.

I was referring to the identification of quangos to be scrapped in the UK. This has not happened in Ireland, it hasn't even been mentioned. As for implementations mentioned on Morning Ireland, these could well be the 5% of recommendations that McCarthy mentioned a while back, that are being implemented.
The biggest savings that McCarthy identified were a cut in social welfare payments, cut in public pensions and a reduction in state employees by I think 17000. None of these have happened, and the country is now in worse shape than it was at the time of the report.
Just for the record, this board has no employees. It consists of representatives from other public and private sector bodies.

Yes, the delays on the project have been crazy, but let's pretend that the board is a 'quango'.
Just for the record, this board has no employees. It consists of representatives from other public and private sector bodies.

Yes, the delays on the project have been crazy, but let's pretend that the board is a 'quango'.

While it is reassuring that it has no actual employees, I would imagine that the members have been involved in many "fact finding missions" and other nice get-togethers in nice places at the expense of the taxpayer, with zero results. I'm happy to stand corrected on these claims if someone has information on this quango's expenses for the past 4 years.
I did a quick google search for this board and it turns out that the "National Transport Authority" and the "Railway Procurement Agency" have been mandated with the same task:
How many agencies, bodies, quangos, call it what you will, are needed to achieve precisely nothing? I know that this alone won't save the state's finances, but this is an incredible indictment of the totally cavalier attitude towards taxpayers' money, by politicians and senior civil servants, and god only knows how much else is being wasted at our expense.
Can I suggest that we don't build public policy around your imagination? If you have some facts, let's get them out there. But please spare us the vagaries of your imagination.

It is not at all surprising that the NTA and RPA have these same mandates, as their staff are directly involved in this board.
Can I suggest that we don't build public policy around your imagination? If you have some facts, let's get them out there. But please spare us the vagaries of your imagination.
Complainer, I just cannot share or understand your belief that the state is anything but wasteful at all levels and in all its dealings. Week after week we get more information about total and utter disregard for taxpayers' money, whether it be personal or department expenses. And when suggestions are made to cut wastage they are ridiculed and largely ignored, and to add even more insult, agreements are made to not cut public sector wages.
How then is my imagination in any way vagarious. Do you think this country would be in such a mess if the government was even remotely apporprately using tax revenue? I have seen absolutely nothing to suggest even a small bit of improvement in the public finances. Unless that happens you will just have to put up with my opinion and imagination, as I have exactly zero faith in the political elite of this country and their willingness, let alone ability, to sort out the mess they helped create.

It is not at all surprising that the NTA and RPA have these same mandates, as their staff are directly involved in this board.
I'm not surprised either, but for quite the opposite reasons. The time and effort that went into creating this board was totally and utterly wasted. Even putting the board into existance on paper was a waste of the paper.
Do you think the articles on 'Govt agency does quite a nice job on something' will get through the Indo's sub-editing?

Of course, you get all the bad news in the media. That doesn't mean that the other 99% of the public sector isn't quitely keeping its head down and providing decent public services. Please let's not run the country based on the Sunday Indo's headlines.
The time and effort that went into creating this board was totally and utterly wasted. Even putting the board into existance on paper was a waste of the paper.

The NTA are a new entity that is planned will take over some of the responsibilites from the RPA. The staff working for the RPA on the integrated ticketing scheme are scheduled to move to the NTA in 2011. Once that happens, the RPA responsibilites for Integrated ticketing will cease. The NTA has one fundamental difference from the RPA in that the NTA has the power to tell transport providers what to do, the RPA for the most part can only ask. That should allow for schemes such as Integrated Ticketing to run more smoothly

A board like this is often the norm for any multi-million € project. I don't work in the public sector but where I work in the private sector, such boards made up of supplier and customer directors are common place for large projects as part of the overall governance process.

The NTA is also taking over the Office for Taxi regulation so that will be one quango gone