Revenue to clamp down on un registered street traders

How and where exactly did he do this?

He is reported to have said that street traders should not be hassled by the Revenue Commissioners about making returns, that they are out in all weathers etc. To me, that was putting these traders apart from the rest of us; I was not aware that you could use the hardships of your profession as an excuse for not paying taxes.

It is quite clear that Mr Costello was merely pandering to his electorate, but it is inexcusable and irresponsible for a TD to make these kinds of statements. Tax is something we all have to pay, and exceptions on the basis of hardship are not part of the tax code. If the traders are not making profits, then a tax return will show that and they will not have to pay anything. To suggest that the Revenue Commissioners should somehow ignore the traders is not the kind of standards I expect from our TDs.
He is reported to have said that street traders should not be hassled by the Revenue Commissioners about making returns, that they are out in all weathers etc.
What precisely did he say rather than what is he reported to have said?
To suggest that the Revenue Commissioners should somehow ignore the traders is not the kind of standards I expect from our TDs.
I totally agree. If that is actually what he said/suggested.
As the OP, I qualify my post by saying that I read it in the Indo, so it must be true!!! Or is it I understand it to be true?