Excellent thread. I am recommending every one of my publican clients to read it. Previous poster already mentioned you should seek a rent reduction with immeditiate effect. To a landlord a lower rent is better than no rent. As a past publican I sympathise with you. You do seem to be a proactive guy. Interesting suggestions the Wii and the website.
Sorry to be pedantic, but i am fairly certain that lotteries are illegal unless permission is obtained from the gardai. Might be worth noting.
Can anyone elaborate on gross and net profits in the drink and food industries?
I have seen figures between 5-10%. Would these figures include deductions for mortgages/lease?
Gross profit should be about 55-60%. Net depends on a lot of things. A publican who runs a bar himself with little or no staff will likely have a very different net% figure to a superpub in Dublin.