To reiterate a previous poster and it being rental income time for returns to revenue I'm just wondering if...
1. Pre-rental expenses not allowable but goods can be estimated on current value.
2. Taxable income is gross income for USC tax minus expenses & capital allowances at 12.5%/8years).
3. USC is charged on rental income after capital allowances and before expense deductions.
4. On higher tax rate, Jan-Dec 16, taxable income is 52% tax (41% income tax + 4% PRSI + 7% USC).
5. 75% of mortgage interest is deducted from the gross rental income if registered with the PRTB - costing €90 if registered within the month o €190 retrospectively after one month.
6. Mortgage protection policy payments are allowable for rental tax income purposes.
7. An overall rental loss will still incur 4% PRSI + USC charge (if mortgage interest, expenses plus capital allowances exceed rental income),
8. Preliminary tax is required - if rental profit exceeds €3174
9. A loss on one Irish rental property can be off-set against another Irish rental property.
10. An audit by Revenue will require expense receipts for the previous six years.
11. After six months of occupancy, a tenant is allowed to stay 112 days after notice given by owner.
12. Tenants may occupy a property without paying rent until a decision has been made by the PRTB.
13. Property tax is not an allowable rental expense.
14. When a tenant vacates a property, expenses can be claimed while a replacement tenant is sought.
15. When making a tax return, all bank savings (except for PO state savings) are liable for dirt tax + USC.
I agree with most of the above but would appreciate any feedback/comments. Thanks in advance