Renewal of VHI "First Plan Plus" Level 1


Registered User
Hi, any advice on a good alternative to my current policy with VHI, First Plan Plus, 40 year old male, Day to Day level 1, Group Scheme, renewal quote for next 12 months €1,191.75...I dont want to go for the Day to Day expense cover anymore as I don't get much use out of it (good thing I suppose!). Any help would be greatly received.
Here's a selection of plans with same hospital cover and limited outpatient cover to consider with all 4 providers;

Aviva Health
1. Level 2 Health Excess; price per adult 899pa

2.Better Plan; price per adult 915pa

VHI Healthcare
3. One Plan; price per adult 943pa

Laya Healthcare
4. Healthcare Plus No Excess; price per adult 1003pa(1033)
price in brackets includes 3% charge if paying by instalments

Here's a few plans including outpatients and good hospital cover at competitive prices to consider;

1. Plan PMI 10 11; price per adult; 945pa

Aviva Health
2. Health Plan 05; price per adult; 946pa

Laya Healthcare
3. Simply Health Excess; price per adult; 1019pa(1049) includes 3% charge
if paying by instalments.

Similar cover at better prices.

Thanks Snowyb, I really appreciate that you have taken the time to help me out!