Refund policy


New Member
Hi advice needed here as I am being denied a refund.

I made an application to via and for the course
6. Subsequently I was enrolled with and on the course via
7. This is important as the refund policies differ on each website.
c. In addition the letter of acceptance outlined terms and conditions which directs the student to
8. The students registration was managed by who appear to be a umbrella group that manages 4 colleges. Perhaps these are the same course, however conflicting refunds policy did not allow me to make a fair judgement on the refunds policy in place. I am unable to attend due to change of circumstances (exceptional circumstances; sick mother and I will be prinary carer) been denied a refund.

Note I am an international student and now will not have the required 4 years of visa to complete the course
If you paid your money to city group, then that is where your contract is.

If you feel you are entitled to a refund based on their terms and conditions and you paid by MasterCard or visa, you could look at the chargeback route
No the money was paid to and the refund policy has changed on the website since paying fees and now.
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No the money was paid to and the refund policy has changed on the website since paying fees and now.
Are you saying that you would have been entitled to a refund under the terms and conditions applicable at the time that you paid but not under the ones that apply now? Do you have a copy of the former terms and conditions? If not, can you find them using this?

Even if you can't, but you are sure that the original terms and conditions applicable would entitle you to a refund, then you should persist with asking them for same. If you get nowhere then maybe the Small Claims Court would be an option (maximum potential payout €2k though)?

You mention that you are an "international student".

So, the cancellation terms as indicated in the letter of acceptance you mention in "c" above should apply.

BUT (important word)

You must also see if there are any specific requirements that pertain to cancellation and International Students.