Recommend day trips from Dublin using free travel pass

A trip to Wexford with Bus Eireann, Wexford Bus, or Train.
Stay over at White's Clayton Hotel (5 minutes from bus or train)
Stay at Talbot Hotel (10 to 15 minutes from bus or train)
Stop off at Gorey on the way back.
hi ,
I hope this is the right forum .
Now I have my free travel PSC I am wondering if posters can recommend any day trips from Dublin ( hueston or busarus I guess) to see towns around Ireland.
I will likely be travelling alone which I am fine with.
I would like maybe 1 day a week to do a day trip with lunch in the town followed by exploring and take a train/bus back late that evening. I have no mobility issues thank god
Many thanks , Any suggestions welcome.
Dublin Coach (Big Green Bus) has options worth exploring, eg from town or red cow.
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