Recession ahead? How to cope....

...and unfortunately 1 billion Chinese when you get there, who naturally enough are not going to worry too much about keeping a decadent westerner - who knows no foreign languages - in the style to which he/she has become accustomed. Tis the reality.

english would be a foreign language - to them.
To give to u some backgroung on Australia from over here,there is continual coverage of skill shortages especially in trades(due to mining boom in wa) ,nurses,IT and hairdressers.The younger u apply the easier it is to get in providing that your skill is on their shortage list(Australia primarily aims for 25-34 demographic group).In fact,if u are over 45 u can't apply.

As well accountancy is another category where theres' a severe skill shortage and u can really see that in contract rates here in sydney at the moment(thats' category that I came out on).

Application process in 2003 took me the guts of 6-9 months but if has been worthwhile although I knew a few people who have got homesick and returned to uk/swaeden respectively.

Theres' definately a change in focus now in targeting skilled immigrants to western australia and queensland due to mining/construction boom in those states.This definately would have been a drawback to me if these conditions applied when I got the visa in 2003.
You have to be a particular type of person to want to settle down in Australia's "regional areas".

Yea city slickers need not apply. Drinking is also a big part of life there (in the regional areas) and I mean serious drinking even more so than ireland.