As alluded to earlier - I'm really curious to get some idea of what YOU realistically think should be done, why and by whom in your specific situation?Being realistic do ye think anything will be done about negative equity?
I know we are not alone but we have 2 houses in negative equity (reluctant landlord on one). All we wanted was to do the best for ourselves and we are now stuck in a 2-bed house (v nice and love the location). We now have a baby and are completely stuck where we are.
I'm not looking to get away from the debt that we borrowed and are responsible for but I hate this feeling of being trapped and not being able to choose to have a second baby in the future because of decisions we made with the best of intentions for our future.
Hindsight is great and yes we should have thought about 2 bed etc... but at the time we were trying to live in a nice area within an easy commute of work and its all we could afford.
By the way - are you in an arrears or pre-arrears situation with either of the properties or managing to service the loans?