Re: Learner Drivers

I realise that clubman but I was so annoyed at the time plus he had full lights on blinding the crap out of me, like does he/she not know not to have them on in a town. :rolleyes:
That silly habit of some motorists is a good way to cause an accident.

And your saying that not maintaining the gap wont cause an accident??

The instructor on the hibernian ignition course advised to tip the break to force the person behind to back off!
There is something so intrinsically dumb about beeping at a Learner Driver! What do they think they will accomplish with this? I think it's a very bad sign. Anyone who just mindlessly vents their rage like that must be dangerous on the road.

This might sound daft but I think the only way for anyone to individually change anything is to show some example. I genuinely believe that if you let someone out, or show some courtesy, that person is more likely to show that same courtesy to someone else. Unless they're a completely selfish ape of course.
And your saying that not maintaining the gap wont cause an accident??

The instructor on the hibernian ignition course advised to tip the break to force the person behind to back off!

never never never, just pull over out of their way and let the fool drive off. Doing that is a sure way for someone to cause an accident.
Ron - I understand the point you are making, but looked at objectively - brakes and brake lights are there for a reason. The reason is to slow your vehicle and to inform other behind you that you are slowing. That is exactly what the driver in front is doing in this situation.

Pulling over and letting them through is only moving the problem elsewhere - it gives no cause to the other driver so slow down or modify their behaviour.

but what reason are you putting on your brakes ???

if there was an accident and you said eh i put the brakes on casue he was driving too close to me, imagine what a judge or garda would say to that ???

you think casue you put on your brakes he/she will never do it again, your only putting your own safety and your car at risk.
but what reason are you putting on your brakes ???

if there was an accident and you said eh i put the brakes on casue he was driving too close to me, imagine what a judge or garda would say to that ???

you think casue you put on your brakes he/she will never do it again, your only putting your own safety and your car at risk.

I was told if a car is too close to me to gradually slow down and when safe pull over..
I'd have to agree with this. Motorway driving is very different to driving on regular roads. It's a skill that needs to be taught. At a bare minimum, learner drivers should be allowed on the motorway with an instructor.
in Germany, motorway driving is one of the compulsory lessons. AFAIK, it is also tested in the driving test.
It drives me mad to see people picking up a provisional licence after passing a theory test (which anyone can pass easily with a bit of studying) and just hop into a car with no lessons and on the road

First thing that needs to be enforced is the requirement of a qualified driver being in the car and the second provisional licence rule where the driver can go on their own should be scrapped. We are a joke to the rest of Europe that this is permitted.

In the north, all L-drivers can't drive above 45mph anywhere and for a further year after the test this still applies and is enforced strictly. A similar rule should be also applied here.
Red, all very good and well but that doesn't eliminate the lunacy of not teaching learners how to use a motorway. I'd lump the UK in with us in that they don't teach it either.

Thr correct approach IMO is to enforce the 'accompaniment' law AND to teach them to use motorways.
IMHO all provisional licence holders should be put off the road. .
Thats a wandering statement how are they going to learn if they can't drive on the road. Didn't you have to learn yourself?
Thats a wandering statement how are they going to learn if they can't drive on the road. Didn't you have to learn yourself?
Not wishing to question your lexicon but it think 'wandering' is the wrong word. You're quoting post #16 but had you read on to post #22 you might have seen my clarification, quoted below . .
I'm not suggesting that provisional licence holders are put off the roads overnight. But removing provisional licence holders from the roads should be the goal, of course the wait for a test would need to be brought down to something reasonable first, maybe 3 or 4 weeks. There is no God given right to drive; only qualified drivers should be allowed to use the roads.
To answer your question, yes I did learn to drive, 25 lessons with an Instructor in a properly equipped car - then passed the test. Ireland is one of very few countries that allow unqualified drivers, and those who have just failed a test, onto the roads.
There is something so intrinsically dumb about beeping at a Learner Driver! What do they think they will accomplish with this? I think it's a very bad sign. Anyone who just mindlessly vents their rage like that must be dangerous on the road.

This might sound daft but I think the only way for anyone to individually change anything is to show some example. I genuinely believe that if you let someone out, or show some courtesy, that person is more likely to show that same courtesy to someone else. Unless they're a completely selfish ape of course.

Just because a car has an L sign on it doesn't mean to say that the driver is a learner. Many parents use their own cars to teach their children to drive. Many elderly people and "bad" drivers put L signs on their cars to give the impression that they are learner drivers and to put other drivers off beeping them.
Just because a car has an L sign on it doesn't mean to say that the driver is a learner. Many parents use their own cars to teach their children to drive. Many elderly people and "bad" drivers put L signs on their cars to give the impression that they are learner drivers and to put other drivers off beeping them.

I have to say I cannot imagine any qualified driver putting L-plates on their car, with the exception of course of those who teach their kids etc in their own cars. I personally think bad drivers don't realise that they are bad drivers - that's what makes them so bad, I know quite a few terrible drivers but not one of them would put an L-plate on their car after they had passed their test :eek:
that's what makes them so bad, I know quite a few terrible drivers but not one of them would put an L-plate on their car after they had passed their test

I must be the exception that proves the rule.
I kept my L-Plates on for months after passing the test. I was a hopeless driver, and I don't know how I even passed in the first place.
You have to remember that there are lots of elderly people driving around who never had to sit a test. Just look at the antics of them as they look for a parking space outside the SuperValu Mount Merrion or Frascati Centre in Blackrock, Dublin. You hear the roar of the engine, before you see them, as they ride the clutch. They all have dents and scrapes on the side of their cars. With all the rules and regulations for the rest of us I wonder should those people who never had to sit a test be called in now to sit one.
They should also get a proper eye test done with someone who doesn't know them personally and who has no problem telling them they can't drive anymore. No offence to doctors but some of them are a little lenient in this way I think especially in local communities.
To answer your question, yes I did learn to drive, 25 lessons with an Instructor in a properly equipped car - then passed the test. Ireland is one of very few countries that allow unqualified drivers, and those who have just failed a test, onto the roads.
Where did you drive while taking your 25 lesson's?
A change was announced the other day for learner motorcyclists - they will not get a provisional licence, but a learner's permit, and only be allowed to drive on the road after 16 hours of recognised training. (to be introduced soon). At the mo, 16 yr olds can buy the "50cc hedge trimmer" and take off. Those of us who are older can just buy the bigger "hedge trimmer"! As a biker I'm only too aware of how vulnerable it can be, especially if you don't know what you're doing, but why bikes only and not all new drivers regardless of vehicle?