Varadker has done nothing but is still capable of shooting himself in the foot.
With respect, the first piece of legislation before the new Dail related to Road Traffic legislation and road deaths are (according to the Gardai and RSA) substantially down from last year). These are positive developments.
Separately, he also brought in important new changes to drink driving laws, and announced plans to introduce new rules regarding drug driving tests next year. He also introduced new legislation to counteract the abuse of disabled parking.
On the issue of quangos, I also remember seeing he was one of the first Ministers to change to the way that board members of agencies are appointed. (Via ads in the papers if I recall asking people for expressions of interest).
I have no link or allegience to any political party. I have however experience of family members who were seriously injured (resulting in life limiting injuries via a drink driver) in a road traffic accident many years ago.
In a previous job, I dealt with many incidents of widespread abuse of disabled parking permits, so I am pleased that new changes have been introduced to counteract that.
Personally speaking, anything that can save people from death or serious injury on our roads is hardly 'shooting themselves in the foot'. These are life and death issues.
I think those new changes are commendable by the new Government and myself and my family are supportive of them.