Dare I ask whats Rabodirect's definition of actively managed, compared with passively managed please ?
I like the online features from Rabo etc which is part of the reason I use them ... sure, rates & charges also play an important part I grant you.
The fact that Rabo has failed to pass on the entire 0.25% of recent interst rate rises was disappointing, I might add !
... for a long time, Rabo led the charge in terms of offering the best rates but recent rate rises have seen Rabo "skimming" the rate increases, in terms of what they pay the customer. The introduction of higher interest rate, regular savings accounts, from Anglo, Hallifax etc has certainly caught my eye and made me ask, how come Rabo don't offer something similar for regular savers with better rates than their demand, savings account ?
I'd also like to see Rabo offer the opportunity to have interest paid more than once per year on it's savings account. Sure, I know ... the rate would have to be reduced a little if this happened, but it would still be better than having to wait a year to get your interest imho.
Rabo could really benifit from further investment in it's online offerings to deal with:
* Tax payable on Investments
This is something which is seriously impacting on Rabo's potential to get more investments in, from what I can see on AAM and from speaking with friends, family etc.
The tax calculator has been promissed for some time now, but has yet to materialise
There is little or no detail on how tax is dealt with for the Investments, on Rabo's website, that I can find. There needs to be a decent FAQ on the site ... much of whats discussed on AAM.com could be included for a start !
An option to have a tax payment deducted at source would be excellent. I say option, because I appreciate there are complications for various types of investors etc.
However, if there were an option to have a deduction made each time you cashed in a profitable fund and have this paid directly to Revenue by Rabo, I'd take it. I'd far rather be in a position where I was looking for an annual rebate of an excess payment to Revenue, than have to try and face dealing with how to report earnings on these funds in an annual tax return etc.
Finally, I've said it before and suspect I'll find myself saying it again but fair play to Rabodirect for being willing to face the public via AAM.com ... it's only a shame other institutions would not do the same thing !