Apologies,I will not be there tomorrow,have to work . It must now be clear to all, that the Central Bank ,Department of Finance, the Banks,the Omdudsman the regulator and Michael Noonan are all in cahoots, all working in concert.( Its this type of groupthink that allowed the Banks destroy the country ) They will resist all pressure to change the rates.With their ideology all Banks must be fattened on the back of variable rate holders families,and then sold to Fianna Gael Buddies ,like what's his name ????. A
definitive plan of action must come from this meeting,and a default strategy enabled should the status quo remain as is. This default strategy must kick in and trigger a clear intent by all variable holders and their families not to vote for fianna Gael,vote for anyone else, so to inflict most damage to fianna gaels,Election campaign .(focus must be put on all marginal seats) Best of luck tomorrow,hope fianne gael are watching ,no doubt their monitoring everything.