Pub Conversations

Oh yeah,

Did ya see yer man the Viper was shot in the head, and it bounced off him ?


Drugs are bad, aren't they ? That poor Katie wan ! (cue the holier than thou attitude on drugs, even though their kids or at least one of their classmates probably have a stash of weed/e's in the bedroom at home) :)
The most common (and annoying) phenomenon for me is the smart-ass 'non-conversations' that can happily continue the entire evening. Guys are the main culprits - basically, just a succession of slagging & innuendo together with the relating of hilarious tales of the previous night's slagging and innuendo. There's usually some hapless slightly geekish victim within the group too who bears the brunt of much of this.

They actually don't say anything at all, all night.

Ask them the next morning and they "had a feckin' great night"
Or how about discussing the "rip-off" price of drink in pubs for 4 hours at a stretch in the pub?
It can go from one extreme to the other.
Worked for 8 years in the local and I am now fluent in "Aul-fella Gags". One night I remember Saving Private Ryan was on the telly. I said something like thats a great film etc. One old man at the bar then piped up and told us it was all rubbish.
He proceeded to tell us of the time he served in North Africa with the British army and of his expoits as they made there way through Italy. Kept us "young-ins" entertained for hours. And was far better than the film!