The only good thing left to say about PTSB is that they give reasonable notice of changes. I will leave the regular saver close to the max with a modest monthly contribution and seek a home for the rest.
In some of the commentary in the media, people don't fully make the connection between "free" banking and interest rates. If interest rates are a bit higher the bank profits from the money in the accounts e.g. if rates were 5% then a €500 min would mean €25 min of interest foregone (and probably twice that on average) , enough to run the account without further charge. If on demand accounts have an interest rate of 0.5% then there is nothing to fund the running of the current account, even with a big minimum. In this environment, "free" current accounts are thing of the past, alas.
You need to bear in mind that PTSB also pay interest on a certain amount of the balance in the current account, currently 1% gross on the first €1,000. Not a lot but still costing them a significant amount when all customers' accounts are totalled I'd imagine. This rate used to be higher and was on the first €1,500 so I don't think they were ever benefitting as outlined in the previous post. I'm surprised that PTSB have not removed this benefit but they are obviously still keen on attracting customers to the free current account despite the fact that it is rumoured to be closing to new customers soon.
I moved all my deposits from PTSB to Rabodirect last week except for my regular saver accounts and am glad I have done so now.