No scheme of compensation has been put forward by ptsb yet, so we don't know.
Under the AIB Prevailing Rate scheme, AIB said it was not part of the Central Bank Tracker Mortgage Examination, so refused to apply the standards of that scheme.
I am sure that permanent tsb will try the same trick to save money.
Here is a case from ten years ago, where ptsb did take back a customer whom they had wrongly denied a tracker. There may be others on askaboutmoney.
Hi all, A final update on my issue re not getting a tracker reinstated. As you may know,I had a tracker,then fixed for five years.Nearing the end of the five years,which was November 2010,I was given a list of options,none of the options were for a tracker. I brought this to their...
permanent tsb
should do the same, but they might try to get out of it.
So, if permanent tsb writes to you with a refund of €300 for the year's overcharge...
1) Complain to them in the first instance
- ask them to recalculate it based on your new account. Send them your mortgage statements from the date you switched to date.
- ask them to take you back on the tracker - At the end of the day, you probably won't avail of this offer if the margin is ECB + 3.25% , but you might go back if the tracker is 2.25% or lower. ( Check out this thread if and when you have a decision to make.)
2) If they refuse, you can go to the Ombudsman.
You will be complaining about the way it calculated the €300 refund, so your complaint will be new and will not be limited by the 6 years time limit.