They send out the notification letter 16 days before the date at which the mortgage payment is made at the new rate...Thats why many people havent even been notified yet of the last (november announcement) of the .25% decrease.
I got them to give me a breakdown exactly of when they notify and apply, so here is how they told me it will work in my case..
The November announcement from 6.15% to 5.9% was applied to my mortgage on 21st November, however as my payments are made on the 29th of the month it was too late to notify and the November payment was at the 6.15% rate. However, the rate did actually apply since the 21st and the differential of my overpayment will be credited to my capital and I'm assured I'm on 5.9% since 21 November. They will send me a letter on 13th December stating the new rate and the effective reduced payment will be in my December 29th Payment. (talk about convoluted
On the 13th January they will send a letter saying my new rate is 5.19% adn this will be reflected in the January 29th payment..
Again to reiterate points made previously, head office verified verbally that ALL LTV and SVR customers are being aligned to the same max rate of 5.19%
When I asked why, the nice lady in head office told me that we (LTV borrowers) were on a very high which I replied we are still subsidising the trackers and they need to review that policy and align with the other state lenders...I got a gentle laugh in response and was wished a pleasant weekend.
Anyway, hope that clarifies the procedure about letters notifying of new rates.